Massive image import


Joined: 2007-10-15
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-15 11:16

Dear All,
we need to tag and import a large number of images in a Gallery2 installation. The installation is not public, and people in charge to load images should come to our office to perform the image upload. This is not feasible for logistic reasons.
Our idea to solve this issue is to allows people to choose tags for images to be uploaded offline, creating some files (probably in XML format). These files could be then sent to our office to be automatically uploaded.

My questions then are:
1) In your opinion is this a reasonable approach?
2) Is there any tool already created to do this? (To create description file for images? To automatically load images in an existing Gallery2 database?)
3) If not, is there any example of how to do this? (maybe through the gallery2 API)

Many Thanks!
Paolo Roccetti