Move Gallery content?

lancemorton's picture

Joined: 2007-09-24
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2007-10-05 18:19

My web host provided Gallery v1.4.3-pl2 when I originally signed up with them. The host now permits users to install 1.5-RC2 (I did this today). (I'm aware this isn't the latest version...)

My question is this -- is it possible for me to move my old content into the directories? (e.g. via FTP)

Many thanks for any insight you can provide.


Gallery version:1.5-RC2
PHP version: 4.4.1

lancemorton's picture

Joined: 2007-09-24
Posts: 20
Posted: Tue, 2007-10-09 14:23

No ideas?