Hi all. I'm really hoping you can help me out 
I did a totally fresh install to be sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. Installed everything according to the directions and the only thing I can figure is that it must be a server issue that I'm not aware of, however I thought I'd ask here anyway.
As I said, clean install of both Gallery2 and Wordpress. Both configured as required. Then when I activate WPG2v3.x both the Permalinks and URL Rewrite plugins deactivate. When I try activating them they deactivate once more. To add to that, the .htaccess file writes to the wrong directory.
Check List:
1. All links are correct.
2. Folders are in correct places.
3. No other modules, addins, plugins installed
The gallery embeds without a problem which is what really confuses me. O.o Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 492
We deactivate G2 URL rewrites by default, because they cause so many problems with getting WPG2 up and running. We want to make sure that everyone has the embedding working without rewrites first, and then have them try to work through URL rewrite issues. It makes it a little easier to troubleshoot taking it in a serial manner like this.
That said, your G2 Rewrites tab should be showing you info on why it won't allow you to activate rewrites. What is it saying?
G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website
Posts: 2
It's totally and utterly weird. I went to look at it again and it's all activated. In the green down the entire list. Can I call you my 'good luck charm'? I've been poking at this for days!
As a p.s. - I'm so sorry for wasting your time >.<
Posts: 1378
As Capt_Kirk points out adding Gallery2 rewrites really complicates the setup issue so by default we turn off the module on initial WPG2 activation. It is a simple matter then to turn it back on in the Rewrite Tab..
Glad you got it all working
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author