wpg2_sidebar_widgets_init error

islandcastaway's picture

Joined: 2005-07-19
Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 2007-09-29 22:07

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'wpg2_sidebar_widgets_init' was given in /includes/plugin.php on line 160

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'wpg2_addwpmenus' was given in /includes/plugin.php on line 160

i read all upgrade instructions, deleted include/js and now my site is down. cant even get the old version to reinstall.


ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 00:41

Are running WP 2.2 or Greater? because I certainly do not get those errors, both those functions exist in the core WPG2 Code..

Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author

islandcastaway's picture

Joined: 2005-07-19
Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 02:34

found my prob, i have a super custom wp install and the machine im on didnt have .inc files associated with dreamweaver and when i ran a check thru the wpg2 folder for the folder changes i made it didnt find anything. when i actually looked at each file i found the folder references.

.....but i do still have a issue,

when logined in thru wpg2 and you go deep into a album/subalbum then use the breadcrumb trail to get back out it logs you out.

if i log directly into gallery it doesnt do it. i took out the breadcrumb for now but it would be nice to get back.

also when i edit album names and click save i get a security violation and logs me out, doesnt do it thru just gallery.

ne clue?

ty for ur fast responce.

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 07:18

If I can suggest, trying clearing all your cookies, then log into Wordpress and try your breadcrumb links then. Nothing in the WPG2 code would "log you out" unless you specifically log out of Wordpress so it could be a matter of a corrupted cookie.. I seen issues like this and clearing all the cookies seems to correct them up..

Ahh yeah without the .inc WPG2 is not going to function very well ;)
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author