Not really a problem but an annoyance to say the least

destrux's picture

Joined: 2002-09-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2002-09-10 19:29

Ok, my site is <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><!-- BBCode End --> if you go there and click Pics in the menu you'll notice the screen comes up white and the source code for it is stopped after the meta tag. If you refresh though the gallery comes up just fine and it will be fine everytime you go to it in that session. When you close the browser and come back again it will do the same white screen thing until you refresh. Kind of weird.

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">phpinfo</A><!-- BBCode End -->: just in case you wanna see it.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 03:18

That's not a vanilla Gallery. It looks like you've applied the XOOPs patch? If so, you need to talk to the author of the patch to see if he can help you with this problem.

destrux's picture

Joined: 2002-09-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 18:23

Sorry about that. Well, for those who have had this problem within the Xoops environment. The fix is within the xoops system admin panel. Disable gzip compression and your xoops gallery will run flawlessly. I'm curious as to why gzip hampers gallery. Ahhh well, please move this into the appropriate forum seeing how this forum is for troubleshooting a NORMAL gallery installation. Thank you :smile: