Local photo management and remote Gallery2 integration [LINUX] - Resolved


Joined: 2005-07-15
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2007-09-17 11:38

I have several thousand photos on my local computer. I have gallery2 hosted on a webserver which I upload my photos to. I usually use Gallery Remote to resize and upload the images.

I've also started using KPhotoAlbum (nee KimBaDa) to organise my photos into the basic "keywords", "places" and "people" categories. I like the interface and chose this over F-Spot.

I'd like an application that integrates the functionality of Gallery Remote and KPhotoAlbum as it's duplicate effort to tag and add comments to the same photo twice. I'd like to have my on-line Gallery as a selected subset of my local photo collection.

Does such an end-to-end application/suite exist? I'd love to write one myself but skill and time are not things I have in abundance :)

EDIT - I found that the KIPI plugins work for KPhotoAlbum so I can now upload my photos directly from the application to my online gallery. It's perhaps not quite a slick as I would like, but will do the job for now.