Hi, I'm sorry if this should be obvious, but I'm playing with Siriux and like it overall, but there are a few things I'd like to do but have no idea how.
1. I want to put some spacing in the breadbrumb part since it's all jumbled together.
2. In the list of albums, I want to increase the font of the album titles, decrease the font of the album descriptions, or both.
3. I changed some things like .content in theme.css to .g2content, which makes things a little better, but now there's not enough space in between the breadcrumbs and the album title. How can I put some more space in there?
4. EDIT: Also, I wish it would just set its width to the browser width dynamically, like Matrix does. I can set the widt to an acceptable setting in its options, but it's justified to the left. I would like it to stay centered. Is this possible?
Thanks a lot.