Album Select keeps old links until Uninstalled


Joined: 2004-06-03
Posts: 43
Posted: Fri, 2007-08-31 17:17


I recently started working on upgrading Gallery 2.1.1 to 2.2.2 (Drupal 5.2, PHP 5.2.2) and moving to a new webhost (new file structure/temp hostname) and all went pretty darn good.

One lingering issue which I just fixed was related to the links displayed in the Album Select block. Until I received my static IP for dev/testing prior to changing DNS, etc., I had to use as a URL. It was under this URL that I set up Drupal, G2, embedded, etc. And there were very few problems with embed or with the standalone. Everything was good.

However, once I received my static IP and started to verify that all the base links were changed in all the places it needed to be, I found that the embedded and standalone Album Select were still displaying the old /~myuserdir/g2 links. They had the correct IP address, but the base after that was /~myuserdir instead of simply /g2.

I searched every single file, module, and exported my entire database to text to search for this string and found nothing. I deleted offline files, history, and a hand-selected bunch of cookies in my browser. Still to no avail. I also made sure Gallery acceleration was turned off.

It was not until I deactivated and uninstalled (that's where the "data" is removed) the Album Select module in Gallery, and then installed it again, that the links are now correct.

Question is: is this expected behavior? If so, I could find no documentation of it. If there was a file I could find this data in, I could edit it by hand. And if not expected, I think there needs to be a way to get Album Select to update its base without having to uninstall.

Thanks for the great software!

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2007-09-05 03:11

Did you try Site Admin / Maintenance / Delete database cache? This should have cleared that cache (if not, let us know). Adding or removing an album would also clear it.