Find comment spam

taskmaster's picture

Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:24


I have some big troubles with comment spam, when I upload words which should be filtered, they still appeare in the comments, but maybe with full caps or just with the first letter in cap, just a little change to the text and its in my comments.

like this : i filter boobs, but users can still Boobs.

there must be a solution to this, a little change to the code or somthing.

I have Gallery v1.5.5-pl1

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:32


open util.php
find: function isBlacklistedComment
replace all ereg calls with eregi
Then the search is case insensitive.

Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6

taskmaster's picture

Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:36

thanks, but I just noticed i have another problem, i have added a few more words to filter, then I press find comment spam and nothing happens, normaly it says nothing found, but now noting, it loads but then nothing.

Once thanks for your reply, you always help, thats great.

taskmaster's picture

Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:41

another thing, look for everything with ereg and replace it with eregi, also ereg_bla bla

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:44

The search comsumes a lot memory. You may run out of it when you have a bigger Gallery.

Try increasing your PHP memory limit.

Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6

taskmaster's picture

Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-19 21:46

i dont think its a memory thing, be cause I have done this before, with the same size. another thing, look for everything with ereg and replace it with eregi, also ereg_bla bla