Unable to login to Gallery - using GR1.5


Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 49
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-31 12:06

here is the Error in Gallery Remote Java:

Invalid username/password

If your Gallery is embedded inside a CMS like PostNuke, you need to use the "native" (non-embedded) Gallery URL to login,as well as the native Gallery user and password.You can test these by trying to go to the native URL and trying to login.

I'm using Gallery2.2 rc-1.. is it true that gallery remote will not work on this version of gallery?

I've installed another account using this version, but it was successfull this time.. Gallery Remote work?

How can I debug the deffective account? where do I start? I need to have this to work first before i upgraded to the new gallery.



Joined: 2005-09-16
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2007-10-25 18:26

Did you ever get a resolution to this problem ? I have exactly the same issue with GR 1.5. It was fine and working OK and now suddenly the login fails with the message you have described. Interestingly, I have 3 other sites where I am able to use GR to log in without a problem.

