{SOLVED} Only pictures are not shown in embeded (Joomla)


Joined: 2007-07-06
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2007-07-08 14:20


I'm using Joomla and gallery, using Gallery 2 Bridge 2.0.14 Beta to embed it.
I recently moved to a new server and successfully move my site. but now the gallery I'm using on my site does get integrated any more. And that ONLY the picture display. Gallery pages do get embedded.

I've studied my url but for gallery pages they are almost the same as my pictures pages, except for the $itemId.
I corrected all paths, where I could find them. even did a database search on the path and everything seems ok. I've checked for joomla, gallery and bridge.

Does someone know how this can be fixed?



If you wanna take a look at the problem: http://www.always-sophie.com


Joined: 2007-07-06
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2007-07-08 15:37

I already found my problem ad solved it.

I was also experiencing problems with some admin pages not loading correctly (all blank).
After turning debugging on I could find the solution.
I seemed the with the copy some includes files/folder get the wrong name, instead of gallery/modules/exif/lib/JPEG my folder was named gallery/modules/exif/lib/jpeg, and since i'm using freebsd, gallery could not find the JPEG.inc in the folder.
