akt. Gallery Remote mit Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04


Joined: 2006-12-25
Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-02 15:16

hey, also ich habe die neue Ubuntu Version Feisty Fawn aufm rechner und kriege die gallery remote version einfach net zum laufen :( kann mir einer bei diesem Problem helfen??? ich kriege folgende Fehlermeldung:

sh GalleryRemote.1.5.Linux.VM.bin
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
nawk: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
dirname: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/bin/ls: error while loading shared libraries: librt.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
basename: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
dirname: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
basename: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
hostname: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Launching installer...

grep: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/tmp/install.dir.8156/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

was muss ich da ändern??? kann mir denn wirklich keiner helfen???