PHP Integration Problem


Joined: 2004-03-20
Posts: 118
Posted: Fri, 2007-06-29 08:57


I have a website with the switch($site){} function.
I've created with this tutorial the gallery2embedded.php.
This starts with..

$g2_Config['path'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/gallery2/';
$g2_Config['g2Uri'] = '/gallery2/';
$g2_Config['embedUri'] = 'entwurf.php?site=galerie';

Now the problem..

When i open gallery2embedded.php - everything works good.
But when i load the file into my site - i have some bugs... with the ÄÖÜ's, admin page does not appear, some links does not work.

Here is the included Site with the problem: Link

Please help me ;-)


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2007-06-29 12:44

> But when i load the file into my site - i have some bugs... with the ÄÖÜ'

the stuff about utf-8.

you need to set the charset header in php and you need to set the html <meta tag for the charset too.

Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage


Joined: 2004-03-20
Posts: 118
Posted: Fri, 2007-06-29 13:17

Thanks for the answer!
I've changed now in entwurf.php & gallery2embedded.php

the meta tag into <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+ i've added
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

Nothing has changed :(
How can I solve the problems with the admin site?