Moving specific G1 albums to a new G2 installation on a new server


Joined: 2002-09-04
Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2007-06-19 02:04

Hi, I have a rather complex question (or at least I think it is). Searching here didn't result in my answer so I thought I would post.

I have a HUGE G1 installation on a slow server (though I have CDBurning capabilities on that server). I want to pull off specific albums (several Gigs of photos) from that installation and move it a new G2 installation on a new server.

I this possible at all without moving the entire installation... and what would be the best method of doing so.

Thanks a lot.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-06-19 11:16

when importing to g2, it shows you a tree list of g1 albums and you can select the ones that you'd like to import.

i guess you want to avoid copying the complete g1 albums/ folder to the g2 server.
i haven't tried it and i don't know g1 good enough to give a qualified answer, but i guess that you could try to just leave out some album folders.
just make sure you don't select those albums when importing to g2. else you sure get a fatal error.

what sure works is leaving out some album folders and then adjusting the albums meta data files, removing the entries about the albums that you've removed.
this meta-data files are in the format of serialized php arrays.

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Joined: 2002-09-04
Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2007-06-19 12:30

Hey valiant, thanks for the reply.

I definately would prefer to move the select g1 albums to the g2 server (without having to edit the metadata)... its GBs worth of data so I really don't want to edit that stuff...I won't do it before trying a couple of albums. Unfortunately, my g1 server is down right now (thats why I'm moving albums off of it). Once my bro reboots it I'll fix it and test it out an let you know what works.

I think the G1 albums are not organized album, meaning they are all listed in the root. (is that correct?) Thats gonna make my life hell figuring out whats what. is there any easy way to do that?

Thanks for the feedback. any other suggestions are appreciated.