Multisite Install


Joined: 2007-03-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 2007-06-16 09:09

Hi G2 Developers,

I have a test website running on WAMP5 with Gallery 2.1.2 that has lots of changes made and stored as "local.tpl". I have now decided to configure and hopefully go live on IIS6.
I have the same version of Gallery 2.1.2 installed and working on Server 2003. I have the website working but have not yet made any changes to Gallery2 only made it accessible to my website.
My question is should I reinstall gallery as a multisite as I may have additional sites use galllery at a later date, or should I consider it at a later date.
My main concern is that Multisites do not support the use of "local.tpl", and I'm not sure how to go about it.
My setup is "C:\g2 data"

Gallery Version-2.1.2
OS-Server 2003 Web Edition