Full Size Image in Popup or in same window?

net4earning's picture

Joined: 2007-06-02
Posts: 202
Posted: Mon, 2007-06-11 19:22

after reading all stuff related to Full Size Image pop up.
it is difficult to implement these setting for newbies like me.
so i have decided to drop this idea from my gallery.

now i have one solutions in sight. which is i think easy to implement.
in photo.tpl we load resized image, which is small in size.

Now instead of loading resized image in photo.tpl we load full size image in photo.tpl
and the trick is that in the <img> attrib we resize it to a small size.( <img src="full size imaage" width="600" height="450".....) now it display as resize image in browser but when user RIGHT CLICK on image and use SAVE AS option it will saved as full size image.

now the problem is that in photo.tpl i can't find <img> attrib and don't know where and what to change to try this trick.

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