blank white page plugins

pablo99's picture

Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 2007-05-19 09:32


Hadn't logged in to my site for a few days, and today got the blank white page for plugins link. Have done complete maintenance runs, logged out and in difference. Here's the debug info ( for which I reloaded the imageframe module )

" Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class imageframemodule in .........../modules/repair_if3/ on line 28 "

- ( "repair_if3 " WAS called imageframe, originally - see next bit )

The reason that folder is called repair_if3 is that a little while back, for no obvious reason, the imageframe module refused to let me add frames, change, install , reinstall, or delete it - and I was trying to add some new frames to the module. So I placed the frames in another version of the module, loaded that, and renamed the original. Worked fine till now ....up until now I had done a couple of template cache cleans, and that's about all I think ( I repeat I think...?? )

I looked at line 28 bit I'm no expert, it looked not unusual to me - what kind of error am I looking for ?


pablo99's picture

Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 2007-05-19 12:16

..I forgot to add that the original imageframe directory also suddenly decided that I couldn't change any CHMODS either as well.....the new install was fine with that. But now the other seems to have taken over somehow......template displacement ?? need help with this one.....thanks, paul