I'm running Gallery2 on an old 800mhz machine with 256 ram. It's also running a number of other applications. needless to say, it's SLOW AS CAN BE when resizing pics after an upload, taking upwards of 20 minutes to resize a page of 12 pictures at 7M resolution. So, I tried to offload the resizing process to my desktop because it can handle the job much faster.
I tried clicking the box that says resize before uploading and this worked really well. The problem is the original isn't sent when I upload the pictures, only the resized ones.
How do I force gallery-remote to resize, but still transfer the original?
Posts: 3
i have also seen this problem since the last version.
This bug is only with the java resizing method, i have installed imagemagick on my computer, and there is an option in gallery administration to disable java resizing.
If java resize is disable and imagemagick not installed, the resize will be on the server.
edit : seen in uppload applet, not tested in gallery remote for my part
Posts: 3
Hmmm... problem is I am using this from a windoze machine and I really don't want IM on that machine.