[Tags] New Module Version 1.3.1
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894 |
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Hello ! Here is a new version of the Tags Module, available in the DP for Gallery 2.2 users only New Stuff: Improvements: Some Bugs, Information and Future Features are located in the codex ** UPDATE **: For those who choose not to use the DP feature in gallery, I enclose a new zip with the latest files. I hope you enjoy it !
Posts: 15
Hi Termiten,
you may remember me from sending mails to you the past weekend ;-) Your module is great but it seems there is still the problem with the keyalbum not splitting the keywords right. I tried to improve it but to no avail.
And now I know why, the error is not in Keyalbum but it's generated in the Tag module. When you take a close look you can see that some tags are concatenated while this doesn't happen with the keywords. Thought you wanted to know. Cheerz dude.
Posts: 1894
-- UPDATE --
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 171
This plugin is such great news!
Finally people will be able to see beaches from all over the world due to tagging instead of having to surf every album of my gallery...
Apart from that i don't have to create a thousand cross links ;-)
two questions:
1 I suppose it has a tag cloud...
2 how about multilingual sites? can the tags be translated via the multlingual module?
and a third question:
now that u have this new project will google map module be continued and enhanced? u might remember that i discovered quite a few issues last december which we discussed a lot as well... for me maps according to albums still don't work, just the overall map as i am showing routes which seems to be conflicting somehow... and the photobar should be ordered by album we agreed not jumping all over the world from one photo to the next... do u think u will find some time to continue the project?
i think i put it all in the tracker back then, but would be to your service for some testing when u want to try to close some of the issues...
here is m gallery by the way:
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 171
One more thing:
It might be useful to have some code which calls the tags on the current site or on a specific site... this code should also include css styling options... like that the joomla users could take that code and publish it in a native joomla sidebar module...
on the frontpage of my joomla installlation for example (gallery is not my frontpage) i would publish a joomla sidebar module with the tags of my gallery root albums so people get interested (and by clicking they get to the gallery page) and on each gallery page i would like to have a joomla box under the gallery which shows the tags for the current gallery page.
could u o that please?
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 1894
Not in this version, perhaps later.
No worries, the map module leaves on and I will continue maintaining it. I'm actually planning on releasing a new version soon. Also there is a new developer helping out on the map module so we can share some of the work ;-)
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
I'm thinking about it
. I'll put together some sort of an API in the Tags module at some point to allow for this kind of stuff. This is not in the current release and most likely not in the next, but it will come :D
Take Care !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 10
Hello Termite-
I was just checking to see how the progress for the Multiple tag albums was coming (as in the codex). Thanks for the great module!
Posts: 1894
No progress changes have been made to the Tags module for the past few weeks. I'm working on finalizing the Map module upcoming release so that I can start doing some real work on it and get it cleaned-up and optimized (in other word, ready for better Gallery integration)
Hopefully when the Map Module is released, I'll be planning the next release of the Map Module and work firstly on the Tags Module next release... I've been a bit overloaded at work these days and so have not had time to work on these, but I will soon ^^
See you !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 171
great to hear u work on maps again!!! any chance u foollow up the problems i had posted in december? just reply by email or pm to keep this thread on topic with tags
i have created a feature request for tags here for integrating it with multilingual module:
also had a discussion with valiant and he thinks multilinngual module should get a api to easily plugin future modules that need to have manual content translations:
maybe some core devs could take the challenge as tags and multilingual are quite important as tagging...
hope to hear from u soon!
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 1894
hello fabs,
Can you refresh my memory as to these problems ? I have been working on the map module all along but at a much slower pace than at the beginning and there still many changes made compared to version 0.5.1d currently released
Let me know !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 171
Of course I can!
1 Translations still do not show in google maps.. just the original version.. and the sidebar link is also never translated
discussed here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/58441
2 The google map show link still does not work... when trying filtered on album it does not worka and dynamic neither...
discussed here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/58445
3 Thumbnailbar is totally unordered, but should be at least ordered by album or somthing...
discussed here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/58446
4 Did u get gxmagnifier to work? not soooo important really...
discussed here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/58414
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 19
I'm making some improvements to the AJAXified tag edit below the pictures, so that it doesn't rely on the window.location.reload( true ) to show the update status. (makes things hugely faster for me to update the tags). Is there a way I can get involved and have those changes incorporated into the module trunk? What's the best way to send over the code?
Posts: 15
I've been working on that same thing because it's way too slow to add tags.Only thing is that in my approach I ditched the javascript altogether and I'm using checkboxes so I can check the tags I need and then submit them. I'm having a security violation atm unfortunately so maybe someone can help me?
Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED) : user id: 6 doesn't have permission: tags.edit for item id:
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_simple.class at line 47 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 477 (GalleryUserHelper_simple::assertHasItemPermission)
* in modules/tags/TagsItemEdit.inc at line 43 (GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission)
* in main.php at line 231 (TagsItemEditController::handleRequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
I've put this in the TagsItemEdit.tpl
<form action="{g->url}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="controller"}" value="tags.TagsItemEdit"/>
<input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="form[formName]"}" value="{$form.formName}"/>
If your code is working however I would be very glad because that would mean I could just use it.
Posts: 1894
Hello kblake,
If you noticed the feature request, this is already planned for the next version (actually I have it done on my local copy but not passed throught validation of the core devs just yet) ^^ but thanks
Hello Rockena,
the functionality to add tags via checkboxes is already there, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're after ?
Hello Malastic,
Sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to have
Thanks !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 19
Marvellous - thanks for letting me know, I look forward to the release
At least it means I don't really have to tidy up my hack -- it will keep me going until you release as proper!
Keep up the great work, I'm really impressed with the tags module - it's much more of a pleasure to use than the keywords ever were.
Posts: 171
Hey Termitenshort ;)
Any update for multilungual tags or the discussed map issues I reposted above?
Let me know if u want to continue developing and need admin access to check out the problems
Thanks a lot
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 1894
Hello Fabs,
Tags are waiting for me to fins time to finish up the map release still. I have some time on Tuesday night so we'll see how it goes.
See you soon !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 171
Thanks so much!
Hope to see the two new versions soon.
I'd be happy to give u feedback when your stuff is out ;)
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 3
Hi, I've been searching for hours, but I can't find it.. Where and how do I bulk edit tags? I don't seem to have a field for that in the 'edit captions' section. Please help!
Posts: 171
Hi Termite!
I hope you are fine!
How are things going? Especially the tags module with mutlilingual capabilities. Any advances?
Thanks so much!
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 1894
Well the release for the map module is out so I'm gonna put some work into v1.4.0 of the tag now ;-)
Stay tuned !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 171
Ok let me know. I can test tags with multilingual if you need.
Breath in love...--------------
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Please visit my private website and the embeded gallery: http://www.ffaabbiiaann.de
Posts: 92
I added some new tags words, I see the tags with the picture and when I'm clicking on then I see more of the same tag names pictures. so that works..
but when I search I cannot find anything.
tag search is on but I shows nothing
I moved my gallery from a W32-server to a Linux.
don't get any errors, but maybee there is something wrong?
I renamed the mySQL tables
thanks in advance.
Posts: 92
solved, the problem was in my search module.. *shame*
I really love the TAG module, its sweet and user-friendly
as Site-Admin you can copy my Keywords into the tags,
I really please want to copy my tags to the Keywords, is that possible?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 171
Hi Termite!
How are things with mutlitlinugal tags going? Any advances? PLease tell me you are still on it! If not could someone please implement that? I would loave to have tags on a multilingual website!
Apart from that how is google maps integrration going and are the bugs I posted above solved?
Please give me an update!
BTW: ur site is down (fatal error message)
!!!!!! Vote for tags to become multilingual: VOTE NOW!!!
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Posts: 48
Is this where I can post a wishlist for Tags features?
How about making the tags fuzzier? Such as, non case-sensitive, follow partials, like Keywords. For example -- if someone hits a tag for "zombie," they'll also get "zombies" and "The Zombie," and "Zombie Hunter," etc. You get the idea!
Also -- how do you make the tags input field appear under picture views?
How about making an edit tags tab in the edit picture area?
Finally, how about a "return to picture" or "return to album" link when finished editing tags?
-- David
Visit my gaming site at www.cheddarmongers.org
Posts: 3
warning: Division by zero in /srv/www/htdocs/photosite/modules/gallery2/modules/tags/classes/TagsHelper.class on line 420.
i recieve an error like this upon trying to display the tag
Posts: 27300
How many items do you have tags for?
Add a few and see if you still get the error.
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