What's real alternative for picasa web albums ?


Joined: 2007-04-15
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-04-15 07:39

I use Gallery, but it's too complex to use for everyone.
Also, the interface is not really sexy.

I tried google web albums, and it's EXACTLY what i search for since years !

-The interface is simple and give a lot of space for pictures, i can zoom.
-There is a (really good) online fullscreen slideshow with full screen picture view (with auto resize of pictures depending on screen size).
-I can choose pictures to upload and have them online with 2 clicks (!) from picasa, a native windows app that almost everyone can install -if they don't already have it- (it's important because everyone don't know what ftp is).
-I can have a private album without asking viewers to register (authkey in url).

Bad point : i can't host it by myself (it's not the speediest service i seen, especially from europe, even if it's a lot faster than the sluggish flickr),
and their offer is not really cheap.

I need something my family can use (non techie users), and picasa web album is the best option i see.
But i really would like to host it myself.

Do you know anything near picasa web album, that i can host myself ?
Gallery2 don't meet any good point i said except the ability to host by myself :(


Joined: 2006-07-19
Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 2007-05-03 19:12

There are many free gallery scripts that you can use. gallery2 is one of the best and powerful. But as you mentioned, it can be little complex to customize, for a normal user. You can lookup for the laternatives in hotscripts. $images, coppermine etc. are good, but they are also complex. You can use one them with a good free skin, or get something basic.

If you are looking for a hosted solution, you may find smugmug.com interesting. I sort of liked it, do not really know how it compares with flickr and picassa.
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