Menus in G2


Joined: 2007-04-11
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-13 17:59

Hi, i'm working with G2 embed in drupal.
When i'm using drupal, i have the gallery navigation menu item, so when i click in that item i can see all G2, but i also can see a logout menu item that belong to G2, and "my profile" menu item among others. Those two are the ones who bothers me, because they do nothing i want them removed.

Can somebody tell me how can i administer the menu items that are shown, for instance, how can i remove (or hide) them all, or hide them for some users, and logout with an url address, like in drupal you can logout from the url http://my_drupal_site/?q=logout, is there anything like this in G2.

Thank you.