Can GR1 allow us to upload videos?


Joined: 2007-04-11
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2007-04-11 03:11

Excuse me for such a noob question.
I just installed and upgraded to GR 1.5.1-b30.
I was wondering can it let us upload video files such as MPG or MOV.
Just a few kids videos thru

and one more question: is there any simple exe install file for GR2(like this one: GalleryRemote.1.5.Win32.VM.exe)

thanks in advance

jack the GRnoob.


Joined: 2007-03-08
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2007-04-11 23:08

Yes you can upload videos with GR 1.5.1-b30.
You if you use .mov or .mpg for your movies, there will be a large delay before the movie plays. If you use 'Flash Video' or .flv movies then you will see great results.

Go to my website & see how my .flv movies play. My movies were originally .MPG & .MOV files, but I converted them with a free movie converter called: "Riva FLV Encoder 2". Go to and search for it.

Gallery has a new .flv (Flash Video) player module. It works great in the latest release of Gallery 2.2.1. Previous versions of Gallery also play .flv movies pretty well.

So to get started:

1. Download "Riva FLV Encoder 2".
2. Convert a movie. Use defaults. (You can try the 640x480 size for a nice movie)
3. Activte your "Flash Video" plug-in. (Ask if you need more details)
4. (Optional) If you want gallery to automaticly make a thumbnail of your movie, you will need to activate the "ffmpeg" module. (Is your webpage on a Linux or Windows server?)
5. Upload your movie with "Gallery Remote" just as you would a picture. If you get a 'upload failed' you will need to increse the upload limit in your php.ini file in your gallery2 directory. (If this is an issue, just reply back) (or look here for help ((CLICK HERE))

This should be all you need. If you have questions, please ask, I'll try my best to help.

Have a nice night!



Joined: 2007-04-11
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-13 04:33

Thank you so much Brian for your time and help.

The little problem we have here is only supports these video format:
You May Upload: mov, avi, wmv, wmv3, mpeg, mpg, mpg4. The maximum file size 100MB. supports upload tools such as GR but i don't know what to do with Gallery2. Is G2(or G1) photo album?

You have a great night too!


ps: can you give me the link of your website?


Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2007-12-14 18:59

Hi Brian,

In step number 3 you said you need to activate the plug-in. Can you explain this in more detail? Where do I actiavte this plugin? In my gallery 2 options? Or in my webserver?

In step 4 you said I need to activate the ffmpeg module? Where should I activate this?

Thanks for your help.



Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2007-12-18 22:02


I downloaded the ffmpeg and converted the movie to flv. How do I upload this file? I am not able to upload it using gallery remote? I am using gallery2.1.1. Please help. Can anyone clearly tell me how do upload videos to gallery2 creating thumbnails? I also activated the ffmpeg and pointed to the path in my site admin of my gallery2. I also did the test settings and it passed.
