Quote(s) for custom Gallery2 site


Joined: 2007-04-04
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2007-04-04 15:05


I am interested in a quote from some experienced designers to put together a custom gallery site.

The look and feel need to be similar to my current website which is http://www.blackshadow.com.au

Things I would like included are:
* random photos showing up in each gallery and sub gallery
* an about me page
* a news page
* the ability for clients to register so emails advising of site updates can be sent out
* a modified cart that allows customers to order different size prints and send me an email order and calculates the price for them. (I will then get the order printed by my photo lab).
* not displaying file names under thumbnails
* an event calendar
a guestbook
Please PM me with quotes and an estimate of the time it would take to develop.

Regards, Richard