Gallery Remote Protocol: Getting all album contents?


Joined: 2007-01-13
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-04 05:41

I'm looking for a way (using the Gallery Remote Protocol) to list the entire contents of an album containing both videos and photos.

More specifically, I'm writing a python script that synchronizes my photos and videos from a file system tree with Gallery 2.1.2 using the Gallery Remote Protocol. I have both videos and photos that I can already upload to the Gallery using my script but when I run the script a second time, I need to be able to prevent uploading duplicates. To do this, I can use something like the fetch-album-images gallery remote command but that, as the name implies, only returns the images and not any videos. Is there any way to get the entire contents of an album like this?

If the Gallery Remote Protocol doesn't support this, could it in a future release? Or, is there some other existing way to do this?
