First i wanted to say what a really cool system! I have g2 on a Ubuntu LAMP server. Everything went smoothly with the install and seems to work nicely. I now need to embed g2 into our existing php site. I used the instructions from http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:How_to_visually_embed_G2_in_your_own_website_using_embedded_mode . Everything seems to be functional except the 'images location' links are broken. the image links work properly (link to the correct page) but all i get is a broken image icon with the browser for all images (including the built-in sourforge links, etc. at bottom left). I done what searching i can but no luck yet. The urlrewrite module is uninstalled, and the g2 install is absolute default according to the tutorial. So to restate the problem: 'Image location' links at /gallery2/main.php are correct but are broken at /gallery2/gallery2embedded.php .
I believe the problem is partly due to a missing forwardslash after the domain name... an example 'image location' url is -> http://isetest.spatial.maine.edumain.php/?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=17&g2_serialNumber=2 . Im pretty sure their is a / missing before main.php in that link. How do i fix this? feel free to have a look http://isetest.spatial.maine.edu/gallery2/gallery2embedded.php
Thanks for the help,
*edit -- i should also menchion that i get an error at the top "Error (GALLERY_SUCCESS) in at line 0" . . still hunting