What Photo Archiving Tool is Best for Me?


Joined: 2005-02-04
Posts: 344
Posted: Sat, 2007-01-20 16:43

Hey guys,
Sorry, I hope this is the right forum. Got a little confused where to post this. I'm a newbie:

I have over 3000 public domain photographs that I need to post online using Gallery. I use Adobe Photograph CS2 for my photo editing needs, however, I use Adobe Bridge for archiving. I am a historian, so what I need to be able to do is input keywords and captions and maybe one more custom field for each photograph (e.g. Date photo was taken).

The type of photographs that I deal with are 1930s-1940s era, so I don't need all that modern EXIF data or whatever it is called. I am going to manually go to each photo offline and input the data for archival purposes. However, I NEED TO CARRY THIS DATA OVER TO GALLERY. I don't want to do it all over again once I upload the photos to my website.

1.) Can anyone recommend me a good photo organizer/archival software that will let me add keywords/captions/date to each photograph?

2.) What application works well with Gallery2 (IPTC).

I am new to this, so any little piece of advice helps! Thanks and I look forward to using Gallery2.