Gallery page in WordPress


Joined: 2007-01-20
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2007-01-20 16:36

This is very embarrassing to ask because everybody (besides me) seems to be doing it easily. Please feel free to laugh but at the same time pl. help me fix this.

I have successfully installed Gallery2 2.1.2 on my WP based website using the Preinstaller technique (awesome code):
I have also installed WPG2 2.0 and have managed to validate it also. Now there is page Album on my site ( I want that when a visitor clicks Album, he is taken to Gallery page but theme should be something similar to my WP theme (2813 WordPress Theme)

I know I can add the links to the Gallery2 page to the WP navigation menu but if I change the theme, I have to recreate the link.

Can someone tell me how to go about it?

See you are laughing, I told you this was a silly question.