Display Entire Album on a Page


Joined: 2003-07-02
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2007-01-09 17:39


I have a website,

It contains projects/events/etc that have text and images/videos associated with it. Currently I have custom software that creates my 'gallery' of images that are displayed. You can see one such here,

What I would like to do is replace my code that displays the Images with Gallery Embeded. This way I could manage my images via gallery and not my own software. Seems like a good idea, right? :)

So I got this far,,
list ($ret, $bodyHtml, $headHtml) = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(array(
'blocks' => 'specificItem',
'show' => 'title|date',
'itemId' => 28

print $bodyHtml;

However, $bodyHtml only contains the 'highlight' image to the Album I wish to display and a link to view that Album (which doesn't work b/c I'm doing getImageBlock and not handleRequest, I understand). What I would like to see is all the items in that Album. not just the 'highlight' one.

I am capable of making my own Theme to display the Album the way I want, I just need to know how to form the request correctly so I can get the HTML for the actual Album View. I got 28 b/c when I view the album I wish to see in Gallery2 I see this URL (main.php?g2_itemId=28). Then when the user changes items (project/events/etc) I could change the 'itemId' to correspond to the proper galleryid associated with that item.

Is this possible?
