Gallery 1.6 Alpha3 Bugs
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818 |
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This topic is a for users who have installed Gallery 1.6-alpha3 and have specific bugs to report. For general feedback, suggestions and discussion use this link. Fixed Versions are available via SVN or separately from Jens' archive. To see what was fixed from alpha2 to alpha3, please see 1.6 Alpha2 bug thread Once reported bugs have been acknowledged and fixed, the bug will be noted here, and responses will be deleted to keep the thread readable. The known list of bugs in 1.6-alpha3, and their statuses: Fixed: 1.6-RC1-svn-b55 1.6-RC1-svn-b42 1.6-RC1-svn-b41 1.6-RC1-b13 1.6-RC1-b6 1.6-RC1-b3 Investigation in progress: |
Posts: 88
hi Jens,
thanks again for your dedication to and your efforts for G1, it's appreciated!
I finally downloaded the RC1 of 1.6 and played around a bit.
I haven't found any bugs so far, but I noted a change from last alpha to RC1 which I did not like much:
I normally have ecards and photo properties active. when the album is displayed this now shows up as little icons below each thumb nail pic. this results in a cluttered album display, I actually prefer the cleaner look & feel without those icons. I did not find a layout/display option to switch of these icons. only disabling the actual functionality (ecards and photo properties) would hide the icons.
please reconsider, thanks!
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
Hello Peter,
thanks for testing again.
I thougt it might be a good idea to have all available possibility for an element also available in the thumbview also.
Not only in the imageview.
I agree that this may "clutter" something.
I will think about an album option for this.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
hi, I played around some more and found the following (v1.6-RC1-svn-b13):
Notice: Undefined index: dimensionsAsPopup in /path2gallery/view_album.php on line 689
after setting the pop up condition in album properties the notice disappears (= dimensionsAsPopup is defined then?)
Notice: Undefined index: userfile in /path2gallery/popups/save_photos.php on line 352
and then a couple of times these warnings with two different missing arguments:cheers,
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
1.) I am not able to reproduce this here.
2.) Changed in b16
3.) Please rerun the config wizard
4.) ?
5.) What exactly did you do to get this error ?
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
ok, let's try to clarify things a bit:
to 1.): I checked the html source actually being presented to the browser (Firefox and IE6): I found a <div> for the subalbum tree <td> that contains javascript code (some YAHOO widget) but nothing is displayed (both browsers have java and javascript enabled). can you point me to a 1.6 gallery page where you know it works? that way I could at least find out whether it's a client or server based problem. however, if browser settings are essential for the display of the subalbum tree, I'd rather prefer the none script way as it is/was in 1.5.x
to 2.) ok, thanks!
to 3.) I do not quite understand why this should help: it happened with a newly created album, not an existing that would first require some update procedure (the wizard actually did some updates to albums the first time I ran it).
to 4.) the php function locateDir in lib/setup.php is not complete, it requires a
$dir = null;
as initial statement, otherwise the function might return an undefined $dir in some casesto 5.) I turned developer mode on in config wizard, which in turn activates php notice and warnings reporting. when adding fotos via URL from another website the above mentioned notices and warnings are listed.
hope this helps!
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
1.) Sure.
Go to page 18 for an album with some subalbums.
It works here with FF, FF2.0.0.1, IE6, IE7 and Opera 9.02 on Windows
3.) My assumption is/was that the non-existing value in your config.php is the cause of your problem.
But it seems that there is/was an issue with the album bersion number. So i did another version bump, which should do the trick.
Done in b18
4.) Wow, respect. Good catch ! Fixed in b17 and also 1.5.6-svn-b8
5.) Got it, also fixed in b18
Thanks !
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
to 1.) ok, checked it out, your site worked fine. my site still showed no subalbum tree. I then installed v1.6-RC1-svn-b19 and - voilà - I got the subalbum tree alright. (???)
the subalbum tree sure looks nice, but I do have a major concern: if I want google to find my subalbums this java script solution is a problem, as google will not follow some script generated links. what's the option for a 'google friendly' subalbum tree?
to 3.) still seeings this in v1.6-RC1-svn-b19 for new albums (pics added via URLs)
-- Peter
Posts: 88
some afterthought here:
you changed the page title (as in div g-pagetitle) from gallery to <(sub)album title> :: <Image Name> in b16. my image files normally do not have 'speaking' names, but are rather something like 'wb_img12653.jpg', which does not really render very nicely as large page title. if - at all - I'd rather use the caption for page title display, which might contain something useful or is otherwise empty. well, actually not a good idea either (duplicate caption display, problematic long caption display....).
why not backtrack to what we had in 1.5.x? plain and simple (sub)album name...
thanks & cheers,
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
I think in the Photoview it makes sense to show the name of the photo.
But you are right, the (file)name is bad.
I will switch to the caption.
G1.6 has the new description feature, thus long captions are obsolete ;-)
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 6818
1.) Currently i have no other idea then reverting back to the 1.5.x tree.
3.) After rerunning the config wizard and upgrading the albums there shouldnt be any warnings.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
long captions are possibly obsolete for new albums, but what do I do with my zillions of albums (almost) that already have pics with long captions? I don't feel like rearranging them all...
as a side note: for all your design considerations/decisions please keep in mind that most of the 1.6 users will probably be 1.5.x (or earlier) users that are in need of a feature update (such as user groups, yes!), but do not want a big change/step in functionality or 'look and feel' (otherwise they would move to G2, I think). I think this consideration is even more important for an end of life product, as G1 is now 'advertized' (it's not for me, though...). thanks!
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
Caption / header : I will think about this.
side note: Thats the trick with 1.6, its meant to be the next step in the G1 Evolution. Every new major G1 versions had changes.
And G1 1.6 is still in the old G1 style. (Popups, etc.)
If people dont like 1.6, they sure can jump to G2 which is completely okay with me.
G1 is indeed an "end of life product" as its just me that keeps it alive. And basically its my hobby.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 4
Hey Guys! Hats of to Peter and Tim_j ! Peter your bug reports are so cool man! the open source community thanks you man!
I have installed Gallery 1.6 Alpha3 and have a few bugs to report, maybe they have enev been fixed, but at least you know about them,
my gallery is here: and my gallery config can be found here:
embedded in nuke version: 7.8
my php version is: dev-lang/php-5.1.6-r6
my os is: Linux server 2.6.14-gentoo-r5 #2 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 21 08:55:42 EST 2005 i686
my apache version is: net-www/apache-2.0.58-r2
the bugs:
1) when i search for something in gallery it changes the url from to and is no longer embedded within nuke, so my stylesheet and theme is lost :
2) when i submit a comment it does noty post the comment, and when the page refresh i end up on the home page :\
those are the only 2 bugs i found :D so far, just a word of thanks! gallery 1 revamp looks amasing! i don't know how you guys do it!
Enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for the help!
Ciao/Riaan Psytrance
Posts: 4
Hi Tim_j, hope you have a great day!
Thanks for the help! hehe Alpha, ... but I use gentoo, so I'm used to the bleeding edge
I upgraded to latest svn version - gallery-1.6-RC1-svn-b41.tar.gz and it FIXED the Comment Bug
ref: "when i submit a comment it does noty post the comment, and when the page refresh i end up on the home page"
The Search Bug is still there, takes me to outside of the nuke theme, if you need more info or screenshots, anything to help, pls let me know, and i'll gladly get them to you,
a new'ish bug, is that gallery users are not phpnuke users, it used to work fine, but i think the 1.5 upgrade broke it, it's not a train smash, but if it's an easy cookie fix then it would be great? i had a similar bug in oscommerce where my cookie path was wrong,
once again, thanks a whole heap!
ps. I have seen the 100% CPU thing before, only once, where the pc didn't have the correct drivers installed :\ i think it's the action script in the flash header that similates the leaves, will look into that, what's your FPS in unreal? Psytrance
Posts: 6818
i am working on the search page bug. Is not done in b41
I dont understand what you are saying about the users "bug".
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 4
I have about 3500 phpnuke users ... when i look i have 3 gallery users :\ are there no way to sync the two? Psytrance
Posts: 6818
Gallery 1.x _uses_ the phpnuke users when embedded.
When standalone it uses its on users.
Gallery 1.x does no syncronisation. The bridge for G2 does this (as far as i know). It duplicates the phpnuke users.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 6818
I installed phpNuke 7.9.
It works fine with Gallery 1.6
And search for "Snoopy"
So i assume something in your (imho really overloaded site) is disturbing Gallery.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 4
hi Tim_j
thanks for the reply, uhm ... you installed postnuke ( and not phpnuke 7.9 ( which is what i am using
i have disabled search now, so that takes care of that, thanks anyway
ciao/riaan Psytrance
Posts: 6818
Oh, hoppla.
I meant:
My fault.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
sooner than expected I got bleeding b45:
here some findings:
The requested URL /path2gallery/popups/crop_photo.php was not found on this server.
that's it for now...
-- Peter
Posts: 1
Have minor cosmetic problem with b42 embedded into postnuke 764
When the 'view comments' link is used as an admin to check for any spam comments, somehow the main theme block text css gets overwritten and so looks a bit unusual. This is a normal hard coded theme and not one that uses any theme engine.
Doesn't affect functionality though and being as users cant access this particular link, would class this as very minor
The attached screen snippet shows the correct version on the right, and what gallery does on the left
Posts: 6818
Thanks again for this very good testing.
1.) I was not able to reproduce this. How did you manage to get this ?
2.) Done in b47
3.) Well i would have to make a fancy Javascript that changes the right box to reflect 16:9, or change ALL entries to landscape ;)
4.) Wooow ! I would never have been found this. I agree and fixed this in b48.
Question: What about deletion ? user2 owns the subalbum, but its also an item of the parent album?
5.) HMMM. How would you truncate "DonauDampfschiffartskapitänsalbum" ?
a.) "...änsalbum"
b.) "DonauDam..."
c.) "Dona...lbum"
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 6818
Your first post, and it made you an entry in the Changelog
Try b49 and tell me if its fixes your problem.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
glad to help, thank you for keeping G1 alive and improving it!
well I was just using the crop feature. the 'Preview' button works and shows a properly cropped pic, but when I press the 'Crop' button I get the above mentioned file not found error. when looking at the code the form generation in crop_photo.php is done with
which in turn calls - through some wrappers - makeGalleryUrl which contains the following
in url.php. I can't understand why you can't reproduce, because the submit url in the form tag is always generated as gallerybasedir/popups/crop_photo.php
well, when I check my pics I have an awful majority of landscape pics, so yes, why not landscape as default? it's ok with me...
hmmm, tricky logic. but I think as there is a separate permission setting for deleting things in an album a user that is only allowed to create/add something to that album is therefore not allowed to delete that again.
hmmm, got your point. the änsalbum has some appeal, but is probably not very helpful. unique identification of an album is not possible in all cases as soon as some truncating is applied, but IMHO the best way of doing it is your example c).
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
1.) Fixed in b50
3.) I'll think about it. As a lot photos are portrait format.
4.) Hmm, tricky tricky ..
"delete items" description says its for photos. So we could really use this for photos/movies ONLY, or use it for any kind of items.
If we use it for photos/movies only, then an subalbum owner should be allowed to delete the album.
If not, we must also forbid to delete the album for owner in the options inside the subalbum
And we have "modify items". Currently it also says its for photos(movies) But if "move" is not allowed when "modify items" is not set, then the owner should not be allowed to modify the album name etc etc.
But then this also shouldnt be allowed inside the album ... Which is not nice for owners.
5.) Done in b52
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
Bugs in 1.6-RC1-svn-b54:
1. Albums sub-tree is not displayed for large number of albums
(see vs - the last is 1.5.6).
Checked in IE 6 and FireFox 1.5.
2. At stats-wizard.php and validate_albums.php the order of "return to admin page" and "return to gallery" links
is reverse those at "Filesystem Usage", "find comment spam" and "find orphans" pages.
Posts: 6818
Hello Andrew,
thanks for testing Gallery 1.6 and reporting issues!
I think its not a problem of large albums. It seems its a naming problem.
Your Gallery produces JS error which shouldnt be there.
Can you go to my Gallery login with gallery/gallery and make albums with the same names?
So i can test.
You are right.
What would you prefer ?
[return to admin page] [return to gallery]
[return to gallery] [return to admin page]
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
0. Thank you for your support of 1.x branch! I'll prefer to use it rather than 2.x as long as I can.
If one could help me to create a theme for 1.6 looking like my favorite skin "none" in 1.5.x,
I'll be even more happy!
2. IMHO the a) is better ([return to admin...] [return to gallery]): the last link appeared alone
at the Admin page, so it should remains most right in the upper corner
1. First of all, I've got
Warning: html_entity_decode() [function.html-entity-decode]: cannot yet handle MBCS! in /home/jens/public_html/gallery-1.6/lib/lang.php on line 763
after switching to Russian (KOI8-R) locale.
> and make albums with the same names?
Do you mean the same URL-s (directory names) or the same Titles (in Russian)?
Posts: 6818
0.) You like the blue 1.5.x skin ?!?! Amazing. You are the second (i am the first ;) )
I will try to make a 1.5 skin for you this week.
2.) Okay, i will make it so.
1.) Hmm, according to the PHP-dev list, this was fixed in PHP5, i use 5.2.1 :-|
If possible both.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
One more issue when building the albums tree: if we have the album title ending with CRLF (\r\n),
the problem still exists. Here is the dump of album.dat file:
";[...]. And the page js fails.
Probably we need more escaping in content.php?
And what about KOI8-R? I have no problems with it in 1.6-RC1-b55 (uncommented in lang.php)
under PHP 4.4.4.
Posts: 6818
How can you put CRLF into the title?
The form is submitted when hitting the enter key.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
I don't know. The fact is that CRLF is there. Probably the result of copy&paste.
Nobody touched album.dat by hands/editors/etc.
Posts: 6818
Okay, i made b56.
This version does a different approach then quoting.
It trims the whitespace on saving the title.
So you have to go into properties of the album with the CLRF and just do a save.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
Should we start a new thread for features/improvements of 1.6 branch?
Two things are appreciated at first glance for the 1-st page:
- Ability to choose the order of albums (not only "sort by ..."), like action Reorder in a simple album.
- Ability to switch off the animation for sub-albums tree (in my case it breakes the font of g-subalbumTree-box).
Posts: 6818
Sure, this thread is only for bugs.
You can use the existing feedback and suggestions for Gallery 1.6 thread...
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
About CRLF in album.dat: probably you should add a check in the "Validate albums" action?
Posts: 20
> So you have to go into properties of the album with the CLRF and just do a save.
The problem is that nobody except you (and /me
) knows about which exactly album is bad.
What is better - to say: "Open HTML source and find all strings of Java Script with multi-line titles, then save all such albums."
or simply: "Validate your albums and press 'Correct the problem'"
Or even to add trim($content['title']) in printChildren().
Posts: 20
Could you please check if "Filesystem usage" statistics works correctly for
"Show usage per album" sorted by "used space". I see no ordering by space,
random figures.
Posts: 6818
Its sorted by used space of the mainalbums.
Space of Subalbums is not used for overall sorting.
I did this to have a better overview which subalbums belongs to which parent.
I made a visual change in my Gallery. Check with the gallery user.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
Got it, thank you!
Is it very difficult to add ordering to sub-albums too?
Posts: 6818
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
>> 1. First of all, I've got
>> Warning: html_entity_decode() [function.html-entity-
>> decode]: cannot yet handle MBCS!
> 1.) Hmm, according to the PHP-dev list, this was fixed in PHP5, i use 5.2.1 :-|
Please note that KOI8-R is not a multi-byte encoding!
Should work without MBCS support.
Posts: 6
I know this thread is for bugs & such, but I just wanted to say "Make that three votes for the simple blue skin."
I "upgraded" to G2 after my web host hosed the permissions or ownership or SOMETHING on my photos directory when I tried to make a copy (they somehow messed up the originals), and not having shell access I had no easy way to get it all fixed. I've been running G2 for a couple of days and so far I can't stand it. I'm a KISS fan, I don't need a bunch of weird skins to make me happy and I don't want to go through a 90 option screen to hide an image or change a description. I really liked the simplicity of 1.5.
I'm looking forward to trying Alpha3 to see how the groups work (the lack of was the only thing I didn't like about 1.5.) If I notice anything going awry I'll be sure to let you know.
Keep it up - New is not always improved!
(Still running Win2k)
Supreme Ox
Posts: 6818
Dont try the alpha3. Get a later version from my archive, or svn.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 6
Now you tell me!
I'll reinstall it. I need to go to bed and stop playing with it tonight anyway. I'm new to this place - where is "my archive, or svn" located?
One thing I noticed that was an annoyance on 1.5 and still remains - When you go into the Configuration Wizard once the gallery is all set up, it always reverts back to en_AU.ISO8859-15 and you ALWAYS need to go to the locales section and change it (well, in my case anyway since I have no idea where you are - if you're in Australia I guess you wouldn't have noticed) to a US English setting or the dates go DD/MM/YY instead of MM/DD/YY.
Posts: 6818
i dont understand the locale issue.
Can you explain it a little more?
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 20
Captcha is not working for me!
The latest 1.6, PHP 4.4.6. phpinfo.php says about full GD support.
After entering "Add comment" the following HTML appeared:
<td class="right">Captcha Protection:</td>
-- this is the end, no submit forms, no </body></html> tags. Nothing in error_log.
How can I debug the Captcha further? Any test scripts?
Posts: 6
I wrote that because I noticed that in the options screen it defaulted to going back to the "wrong" setting, but before I hit POST I went back to see if it still actually acted like the old version and showed the date wrong and it seems not to. I don't know if that's because I don't have all the language packs I did when I had 1.5 But if you want to see what I'm talking about so you can decide for yourself, go into the Locales tab in the setup and look at what it says in the dropdown list. If yours is like mine it will have the en_AUxxx showing instead of whatever you selected and saved the last time. I meant to delete my message, but I guess I hit post without thinking. I installed the latest update version and all seems OK. I've got 6000 photos in about a dozen sub-albums and all is working OK.
I did notice (and tested thoroughly
)that if I try to change ownership of a sub-album from outside it (that is, on the page that shows the sub-album as a single thumb and not inside where all the pictures are), no matter which sub-album I select it always goes to change ownership of the first sub-album on the page. So if I have an album called "Birthdays" and in that I have "Mike's 1st Bday", "Mike's 2nd Bday", and "Mike's 3rd Bday" and I select the drop-down under "Mike's 3rd Bday" and select Change Owner, it shows the thumbnail from "Mike's 1st Bday" (the one in the upper left) and the option to select the owner. It also shows the owner as "Nobody". If I go into the sub-album and make the change from Permissions in the the drop-down in the upper right from there it works OK, and it shows me as the owner.
Also, if you have a drop-down open with an item highlighted, decide not to do it and click off of the menu to make it disappear, when you click on any link either into a sub-album or up one level it will pop up the window to make whatever settings you last highlighted.
Posts: 88
hi Jens,
since there is now - galdly - reason again to test G1.6 I did some initial tests of B72 and found the following, all related to cropping:
in this and in earlier threads we discussed a number of issues regarding G1.6 look&feel. sometimes it ended with a 'I have to think about this'-answer from your part. is the current B72 release the result of this thinking or are there still 'open issues'?
a must have for me is the non java scripted album tree in the root album. could you possibly reinsert 1.5.x code and provide a user option for this?
that's it for now, thanks again for all your efforts!
-- Peter