Allowing only registered users to view EXIF/IPTC information


Joined: 2007-01-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-05 17:30


what I am "desperately" looking for is an option that would allow me to configure a site-wide EXIF/IPTC data viewing permission.

I need to prevent everone who is an anonymous user from viewing EXIF/IPTC information while making it available to everyone else.

How would that be achieved?

If there is no such option yet, I would be glad to make small changes to the code myself if you can give a bit of guidance.

Thanks in advance,


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-05 17:43

There is not setting for this. You will need to edit photo.tpl of the theme you are using:

        {* Show any other photo blocks (comments, exif etc) *}
        {foreach from=$theme.params.photoBlocks item=block}
          {g->block type=$block.0 params=$block.1}

and wrap it with

{if $user.isRegisteredUser}
above code goes here

Only registered usser will see the comments as well as all other blocks for the photo page.

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Joined: 2007-01-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-05 17:59

Incredible, thanks for the quick answer.
