Hi guys/gals,
I want to be able to list, under, above, or the side of my image a list of all other resized images available for that photo. I would like this to show on the photo page only.
Is this possible? I really only need the code to get the info, as placing it in the photo.tpl file is the easy bit.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Posts: 4
I basically do not want to have a drop down list on my photo.tpl. Just a list of links to each resized image. Additionally this code should remove any sizes not viewable according to group security, etc.
Thanks again.
Posts: 27300
Edit the code that renders the dropsown box to create links instead.
Posts: 4
Where is the code, can you give me some examples. Whilst I dabble in customizations, I know very little about coding, and its trial and error for me.
Posts: 27300
look in photo.tpl and you will find how it is called:
{g->block type="core.PhotoSizes" class="giInfo"}
change that to
{g->block type="core.PhotoSizesNoDrop" class="giInfo"}
and move where you would like.Then edit modules/core/templates/blocks/PhotoSizes.tpl to change the dropdown to a list and save it as :
The file PhotoSizesNoDrop.tpl is a mixture of HTML and Smarty. There is tutorials via google for both.
Blog with G2 || Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 474
If somebody is interested: I have searched for a solution few days ago to change the drop down code and published the solution now in my gallery blog http://www.it-pulse.eu/webanwendungen/menalto-gallery/gallery2-bessere-auswahlmoeglichkeit-der-bildaufloesungen-1412.html
Here you can see a Photo Example in my Gallery with the opinion to select the resized image below the photo.
[G2] Wallpaper | Gallery Blog | G3(dev) Barcelona Fotos