v2 and Safe_mode


Joined: 2003-04-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 19:56


So has anybody tested gallery 2 with safe_mode on and having trouble using gallery? What other major bugs are still in version 2?


beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 22:22

You should read this thread re. G2 and Safe Mode:

:: <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://gallery.sf.net/forums.php?topic=5684" TARGET="_blank">Serious Safe Mode Discussion</A><!-- BBCode End -->

joan's picture

Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 3473
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 22:37

Beckett, are you messing with our heads? Surely you meant

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 22:53

Whoops. Yes. Yes I did. :smile:


Joined: 2003-04-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 01:59

Yes I saw that before, but it didn't really state whether someone really tested it with Safe_mode disabled.

So has anybody tested it out yet (with Gallery 2.0)?


alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 02:09

You really can't. As of right now, Gallery 2 requires the right to execute external programs -- something safe mode disables. That's the major reason why safe mode is messing Gallery up (yes, there are others, but more easily solved than this one)..

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 08:43

Rather than wait for G2 and have the odds highly in favor of your being disappointed, start hunting for a new web host now!! :smile: That other thread has all the arguments you need for why you shouldn't waste your time with any host running Safe Mode.


Joined: 2003-04-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 14:09

was told by my web host that they have only included my domain in the safe_mode off. HOw did they do this?

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 14:30

Your host can specify this in the httpd.conf. All they need to do is place this inside your personal <VirtualHost>:

php_admin_value safe_mode off

Simple dimple.
-Beckett (


alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-27 15:40

(restart Apache too :smile:)