Gallery and Geeklog


Joined: 2002-11-16
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 02:56

Been running Gallery 1.3.3 with Geeklog 1.3.7sr1 now for several weeks with no problems. Now all the sudden, I can add albums but can not add photos, edit properties, nor even delete an album I've just created. I do not believe the problem is with Geeklog however, it could be. The one change I have made of possible importance is upgrading my version of php to 4.3.1. I can also tell you, I am running Apache 1.3.24 on Windows 2000 Server and using MySQL ver 3.23.49

Any help greatly appreciated...


Joined: 2002-11-16
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2003-04-26 13:14

A little more information. Seems that any function which occurs inside a pop-up window will not complete. Thus, adding albums work but when I attempt to delete one I get the wondow asking "are yoiu sure", I hit yes but the pop-up seems to just sit there and the album is never deleted. Besides upgrading my version of PHP, the one other thing I have recently done is install phpads. I have searched the forum and could find no mention of conflicts between phpads and gallery.

Again, any help greatly appreciated....


Joined: 2003-04-27
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 2003-05-16 08:31

I just installed Gallery v1.3.4-cvs-b24 and geeklog (most recent). . .I made the mods in config.php and added the files to the documented locations. I then created a link (wish I could add it to the menu - probably can, but don't know it yet) and went to my gallery following the link. I get this error in the middle of displaying the first album on any page:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: popup_link() in /*path*/albums.php on line 249

Any hints? Is there a permission problem somewhere? Thanks.


Joined: 2003-04-27
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2003-05-28 00:28

Now that I understand how the integration works a little better, I realized that I needed to try the manual integration installation when using the cvs of gallery. All went fine, but unfortunately, the manual installation instructions are missing a very important (at least for me) conditional statement (the one that checks for group permissions).

I would suggest this modification be replace the corresponding section in the README.txt that is downloaded with the package from After adding the last conditional statement group permissions started working. I am not sure how I can update it. . .or i would update the cvs myself.


##### FIND THIS CODE ##### around line 1108

		$loggedIn = $gallery->userDB->getLoggedIn();
		if ($perm[$loggedIn->getUid()] &&
		    strcmp($gallery->user->getUid(), $everybody->getUid())) {
		   return true;
		return false;


                /* GEEKLOG MOD
                 * If loggedIn has the perm and we're logged in, then
                 * we're ok also.
                $loggedIn = $gallery->userDB->getLoggedIn();
                if ($perm[$loggedIn->getUid()] && $gallery->user->isLoggedIn() ) {
                   return true;
                if (is_array($perm)) {
                    foreach ($perm as $gid => $pbool) {
                        $group = $gallery->userDB->getUserByUid($gid);
                        if ($group->isGroup == 1) {
                            if (SEC_inGroup(abs($group->uid), $uid)) {
                                return true;
                return false;

I hope this helps someone (this is indented nicer before I submit it). I am still investigating the issue with the gallery session not being terminated when you logout of geeklog.


Joined: 2003-04-27
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2003-05-28 00:36

I hinted at this at the end of my last post. . .

I am trying to figure out how to make the necessary code modifications to the current gallery-geeklog integration package so that when I logout of geeklog. . .it also logs out of gallery. Probably need to kill the session somehow. Anybody know how to do this?