It looks like there's a module floating around labelled 'nokiaupload', however, it looks like it only supports the Nokia 3650 and 6600. Further info can be found on the following URLs.
It also looks like is also working on an api to interact with gallery2.
Joined: 2006-01-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-23 13:03
Bencoon wrote:
It looks like there's a module floating around labelled 'nokiaupload', however, it looks like it only supports the Nokia 3650 and 6600.
Nokia used to have an upload protocol in its phone's gallery applications. They seem to have dropped support for it.
It would certainly be interesting to have a gallery remote client for symbian OS, as it is still the number one smart phone OS.
It also looks like is also working on an api to interact with gallery2.
ShoZu is really cool. I hope they do a gallery 2 connector as there are lots of advantages ShoZu has. Maybe someone here could do a gallery2 to ShoZu interface.
Posts: 2
It looks like there's a module floating around labelled 'nokiaupload', however, it looks like it only supports the Nokia 3650 and 6600. Further info can be found on the following URLs.
It also looks like is also working on an api to interact with gallery2.
Posts: 40
Nokia used to have an upload protocol in its phone's gallery applications. They seem to have dropped support for it.
It would certainly be interesting to have a gallery remote client for symbian OS, as it is still the number one smart phone OS.
ShoZu is really cool. I hope they do a gallery 2 connector as there are lots of advantages ShoZu has. Maybe someone here could do a gallery2 to ShoZu interface.