'slides23' is undefined in IE7

kkinderen's picture

Joined: 2004-08-22
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 02:58

Gallery version (not just "2"): v1.5.4
PHP version (e.g. 4.3.11): 5.0.5
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33): 1.3.37 (Unix)
Database (e.g. MySql 4.0.11): 4.1.21-standard-log
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD): NetPbm jhead
Operating system (e.g. Linux): Linux 2.6.9-42.ELsmp
Browser (e.g. Firefox 1.0): IE 7

I am using the random photo script in my PostNuke site. Everything seems to be fine when viewing it with FireFox 2 with the exception that I get Warning: <img> proprietary attribute "onload" when I try to validate the page.

IE7 is where I see a real problem. I get the following warning:

Line: 633
Char: 1
Error: 'slides23' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://k4vd.net/

Here is line 633:

<tr><td bgcolor="" width="1"><img src="modules/gallery/images/pixel_trans.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
<td><a href="http://www.k4vd.net/index.php?set_albumName=Laconia2004&amp;id=King_of_the_Hill_Too&amp;name=gallery&amp;include=view_photo.php" title="$caption"><img src="http://www.k4vd.net/albums/Laconia2004/King_of_the_Hill_Too.thumb.jpg" width="150" height="113"  border="0" alt="King of the Hill Too" title="King of the Hill Too" name="randomimage23" onLoad="slides23.timeout=1000" alt="King of the Hill Too"></a></td>

Any help correcting this problem is appreciated.


kkinderen's picture

Joined: 2004-08-22
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 04:35

Sorry. This isn't the Gallery provided script so I'm asking in the wrong place.

Using the Gallery provided script, I get the PostNuke block OK but it doesn't open the gallery inside PostNuke. That's a problem for me, but I'll work on it.


kkinderen's picture

Joined: 2004-08-22
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 04:59

It must be getting late. I didn't think to actually read the text of block-random.php where it specifically says:

* If your Gallery is embedded and you call it via an URL,
* make sure you are giving the needed parameters.
* *Nuke:
* http://<URL to your Nuke>/modules.php?op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=block-random.php

Sometimes, when I follow the instructions things actually work. Go figure.

block-random.php is working perfectly so far now that I'm calling it properly from Core/PHP Script.
