activex problems on ie


Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2006-11-01 21:46

hello again, i experiment some activex problems with ie and the quicktime movies, As you know, ie recognize the movies but dont works, so in macromedia flash this problem will fix with a little js in the html container document.
i read in a post some guy who do this with gallery, but i lost the post, i try with the serch option but nothing appears, i like to find this post, if somebody remember ill be glad for help, or find a solucion if it exist, so here i am again.
thanx in advanse

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2006-11-01 23:49

suprsidr has been working on embedded video improvment useinf flash:
It will be included in G2.2


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Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-02 00:18

thats ok i read about it, but it is not what im looking for, the macromedia explanation was only an example, i need to jump the active x for .mov videos, and i read about a guy in the forum who fix that or are in the path to fix that.
so i apologize for my english again.
and thanx for your help, dave keep thinking iam shure the answer is in the forum but I cannot find it.


Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-02 18:26

i think i found the post, but its not what iam thinking, realy i dont know why not working, recognize the movie but not play, and its posibly the activex is not the problem, because the activex problem cut the permission to interact, but the movies still run, in my case movies not streamed. i open gallery in another computer and its the same, , ie sucks
i read a lot of post in forum but i cant found nothing about.
any help is welcome.
thanx in advance popovsky


Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Sat, 2006-11-04 21:46

hello again i still have the same problem, after try many things, like, change de binary, install mplayer, insert an htaccess with the mimetipes in the gallery root , the quicktimes movies still not play on ie (ie sucks) and i think this is not a minor problem, too much people uses ie, is anybody have the same problem? i think i try everything, but never know.
i try in other machines and have the same peroblem
i read a lot in forum but nothing appears. im still lookin for an aswer and Ill be glad for help
so thanx in advance


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Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 19:00

hello again, this problem is partially solved, i update my computer and install ie7 and everything works fine, i say partially, because not all the users have ie7
question: why works in ie7 and not work in other ie, its an answer to that, some codex or something about the windows updates or its a bug?
i hope this can be usefull

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 19:23

It has been a recent change.

I will work on this when I get time. Perhaps somebody else wants to give it a go...Look in

Blog with G2 || Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery


Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 19:58

thanx dave for the recent changes info, i read in a moment.
about the GalleryMovieItem.class i try to do changes but there is a lot of parameters and statemnts i dont understand, and i prefer not to touch this.
anyway i think my machine out of date was one of the problem, perhaps js is a temporary solution


Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Mon, 2006-11-06 16:54

hello, i read the apple solution, its good and it seems that it works well, but i dont know how to include in php or in wich part of gallery, it dificult to me, honestly i only work with as and a little html , this is new for me, i need a spiritual guide jajajaja
thanx in advance

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2006-11-06 18:02
floridave wrote:

I will work on this when I get time. Perhaps somebody else wants to give it a go...Look in

I guess you want me to code it for ou as well, not just give you a place to start.

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Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2006-11-07 14:48

dave that is not my idea, obtains much with your help and reading many topics in the forum, in fact gallery is working now, only left just a little changes in theme and the problem with IE
thenx for your help i learn a lot with this