subscription service


Joined: 2006-10-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2006-10-25 20:23

Hi, I have built a site for my climbing club and wish to add gallery into it, however the centre that aranged everything wants me to put s subscription service to the gallery that will allow competition users to pay to subscribe to the service and view its content. Does anyone know if it is possible to do this with gallery?

Is it possible to set it up so that a person can create an account that will work with an online payment system to take a transaction, then after that the customer will recieve a password to access the site that will expire after a given time.

I can arrange the transaction stuff, its the time limited subscription part that i need to be able to use. I would appreciate any help i can get as i am new to this and doing it as my donation of service to the club.