i have previously perchased two spotted red severums that i had my eye on for awile.once a brought them home they seemed very shy and would hide in the upper corner of the tank if any one came in the room,they still do this but will slowly move closer down once your in the room for awile.any ways i heard that severums were to be more curiouse and personable,will this change in my fish once they grow larger and iv had them for longer?another percular thing i observed was the locking of the lips,both severums will gently swim up to each other and sucktion there lips together and just float around liek that ,should i be woried(are the fighting)or is this normel in most severum cases just n body speaks of it.if you have information on either of these topic please write back,i havent been able to findmuch on the net.
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this forum / website is not about fish or aquariums.
there are sure better places to discuss this.
Posts: 3236
I don't know anything about those fish specifically, but I did work in a pet store for a few years and had some fish of my own.
Sometimes, smaller fish like to hide because they feel like they might be food for other fish. Do you have other, larger fish in the tank? Do these little fish have PLENTY of places to hide? I like to make a stack of rocks with hide holes in it, using two tallish rocks with a flat rock on top. If you have a big enough tank, you can repeat this left to right and a few layers up and down, it creates plenty of places to hide. Adding some fake (or real) plants will give them even more places to hide.
My fish of choice were Oscars though. They start out small and hiding most of the time, but once they got to 5-8" they stayed out and ate what ever gold fish i tossed in.
Out of curiosity, why did you post this here?
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