jpegtran issue

Ash Stanford

Joined: 2006-09-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 07:23


When I first start a diaporama I have a warning message about a missing gallery optional feature, jpegtran.

But I don't understand how to fix it.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 09:13

what's diaporama?

also note that Gallery 2 does not use jpegtran. do you mean gallery 1?
if so, please post a topic in the gallery 1 forums.

Ash Stanford

Joined: 2006-09-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 11:29

No, I have gallery 2 and I have this message about jpegtran... they say it is an optional component...
A diaporama (not sure how it is in english) is a way to have several photos appearing one after each other either in fullscreen or in a window.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 13:19

G2 doesn't use jpegtran, nowhere.
Gallery 1.x (e.g. Gallery 1.5) uses jpegtran, optionally.

do you mean Gallery Remote, maybe?


Joined: 2006-09-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 15:13

Do you use a other Browser then IE? Because i had that problem with FireFox and when i used IE the problem was solved.

i hoped this helped.

Ash Stanford

Joined: 2006-09-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 16:13

The problem was with IE as well. Yes in fact it is when I try to launch a diaporama they say galery remote uses an optional component, jpegtran, which is missing.
So what can I do ?


h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2006-09-05 19:21
Ash Stanford

Joined: 2006-09-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2006-09-06 07:02

What I don't understand is that I didn't install gallery remote. I do not want it. So why do I have this warning when I try to access a diaporama ?


Joined: 2007-04-23
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2007-05-06 04:31

The english word for diaporama is "slideshow". If you run a slideshow, you're running a java application, which is a subset of Gallery remote I believe. That is why everyone is saying you are running Gallery remote.