Finally REMOTE works!

riceguitar's picture

Joined: 2006-08-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 15:59

So I read around the forums for a while but couldn't find a solution to my inability to get Gallery Remote working. Finally I found a module named Remote and installed it and BOOM everything works.

I was getting the 404 error persistently till I installed this module.

1. Go to extract this file and upload the entire folder to your gallery's "modules" folder
2. Go to the site admin ==> modules ==> and activate and install the remote module.
3. Now go grab a copy of Gallery Remote and Install on your Local Machine.
4. Install the package of course.
5. When you come to the main screen...create a NEW URL and use a username that has administrator privileges.

This is what I did to get GR up and running. I'm using:

GR 1.5
Gallery 2.12
REMOTE Module 1.0.6