Family Module / Theme


Joined: 2005-05-25
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-22 12:35

A little background first just so that everyone knows where I am coming from, I have used both Gallery in one form or another for some 2-3 years now. Now I have a little knowledge of web design, linux systems, enough to setup a fairly successful server and a series of galleries. I am very enthusiastic in photography and computing, and have been very impresssed with the support and development of the gallery.

Now the idea I have is fairly simple in concept though maybe not in implementation I would love to do this myself, though time finding the time when holding done a day job, maintaining a server, and actual putting in time for some sort of social life is hard, plus knowing enough to get by as well.

Right the idea is this a module or theme that enables you to build a family structure like a family tree into gallery.

The idea is this that when a user is added you specify is parent users, this is then displayed in the main page via a tree construct showing all the users via a picture uploaded.

The picture itself is a link to all pictures that are related via catagories to that user.

So therefore when pictures are added into the gallery a owner is obviously specified as always though now you also have series of drop down boxes where you can specify if the picture is related to other people in the family tree.

As well as this there is the ability for the use of a permalink to other galleries using the family module, this enables the use for instantance of specifying a link to your wifes family gallery, or grandmothers side of the family.

As you might of guess I have a large family and have been think of doing this for a while and was waiting for someone to come up with it, I have a very clear view of what it would look like but not the programming knowledge to generate the module I think is required.

If anyone ask how are albums done if all you do is link people to photos under catagoreis, well I thought that normal albums could be in a scroll menu under neither the tree, like an event bar, with a date like a timeline.

If anyone thinks this is a good idea and would like to help me and brainstorm on it, I guess it would need to be voted for as a feature, I also hope this is the right place to put it, and I apologise if it is not, newish to posting on this forum.

Look forward to all your opinions, I really do think this would make a gallery 2 a more complete package not only for photographers, but for photographers and anyone with families.
