I try to upload images, and I get this:
Processing status...
- Adding P8190002.JPG
/home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/netpbm/jpegtopnm /home/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/albums/trips/aaa.jpg | /home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/netpbm/pnmfile --allimages
Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 32
Error messages:
Status: (expected 0)
Error: Invalid image: aaa.jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallery FAQ
So I go to the FAQ, and try what's there. This is what happens:
[zebes]$ /home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/netpbm/jpgtopnm /tmp/P8190002.JPG | /home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/netpbm/pnmfile
bash: /home/.nubbins/cairine/photos.cairine.cc/netpbm/jpgtopnm: No such file or directory
pnmfile: EOF / read error reading magic number
stdin: [zebes]$
I don't know what's wrong, what to do, etc. I had Gallery working great on another webhost (besthost1) but their box promptly got hacked about a week after I had this installed... I'm now on dreamhost, and there are other dreamhost users who have been able to get Gallery working, so I'm confused.
Please help!
Posts: 7994
Your ISP has disabled the use of the exec() call. This prevents Gallery from functioning. You'll have to take it up with your ISP and get them to lift this restriction for you.
Posts: 2
I tried to use their option of running PHP files as a CGI to no avail, so I tried on a different host (vervehosting.com).
I'm getting all manner of strange errors there as well...
Processing status...
- Adding P8230005.JPG
/home/firefall/public_html/photos/netpbm/jpegtopnm /home/firefall/public_html/photos/albums/album01/aah.jpg | /home/firefall/public_html/photos/netpbm/pnmfile --allimages
Error messages:
Status: 132 (expected 0)
Error: Invalid image: aah.jpg!
When I try in the shell, this happens:
bash-2.05$ /home/firefall/public_html/photos/netpbm/jpegtopnm /home/firefall/public_html/photos/tmp/P8230005.JPG | /home/firefall/public_html/photos/netpbm/pnmfile
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
I tried using the full path as well as just /tmp/P8230005.JPG, and got the same error both times.
Looked at FAQ C.19 as well, and tried changing the status code to 132, and that didn't help either, gave me the "can't make thumbnail" error...
I'm beginning to feel really, really dumb. I got it to work on the one host, but then they've always been sketchy -- they got hacked, lost EVERYTHING on the box, bla bla bla.
So the other two hosts I've tried give me nothing but errors and I'm beginning to think it's ME.
help! please! i'm at your mercy.
Posts: 487
Are you using the proper NetPBM binaries? If your getting core dumps,
it sounds like that is an issue you need to check. Find out what exactly
the OS of your host is, try 'uname -a' and grab the correct binaries.