body scrollbar not hidden


Joined: 2006-08-15
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-16 18:10

howdy do,

I have embedded a gallery inside a div which has scrolling on inside the div. My main css file sets body overflow: hidden; and when I'm on a page without the embedded gallery this works fine. When I go to the embedded gallery page the body scrollbar appears even though its set to hidden. This is happening in IE6. In firefox it works.

I'm using a modified matrix template and I have tried setting the theme.css body style to overflow hidden but it doesn't work in IE6. I have been searching for main.php styles for body but I cant' find any. Also my modified template uses the exact same css file as the non embedded page and, of course, the theme.css file.

I checked the DOM to see what its set to whilst running it and its set to hidden but it still displays.

it looks like either index.php or main.php are setting the body style and the css in my template is not overriding it which is curious because all the other css seems to be working from the same css file.

Any clues as to how I can force the body scrollbar to hide in IE6 such as setting the body style in main.php.
But where would i do that?


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-16 20:07

I think in IE it is the <html> element that has the scrollbar, while in other browsers it is the <body>. Maybe experiment with that.


Joined: 2006-08-15
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-16 20:18

yup that worked nicely. Never set anything on html tag before because its always worked on the body tag before.

now I've just got to work out whats wrong with scrolling inside the div and we're done.
I thinks thats gonna be more tricksy.
