Users must have perm to create albums and batch process files - is it possible?


Joined: 2006-07-31
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2006-07-31 08:48

I have great problem on my site.

Lately we used some version of other photo collection software. =)
We have a group, called "reporters". They are able to create albums in any admin-created category, upload files throgh FTP (we hold permissions for that by ourself) or browser, and batch'em.
But after upgrade we have lost this

That's what i expected to see.
We have huge amount of photos every week. Like 10 new albums from different events. I can't create every album by myself, look at every photo to approve it. It must be on reporters responsabilty.

Can i make such system using G2 software? i'm asking only because i have founded a soft that fits our needs in descrition, but in practice in doesn't have all required features implemented.

Also, i want to join gallery with SMF 1.1rc2 in nearest time. So if i must use hacks to imitate such functionality - they must work with bridge.

I'm expect answer like "YES, it's easy", "Yes, but you must do following..." or "NO".

Thanks in advance.