My gallery in sample galleries???

tyman00's picture

Joined: 2002-08-02
Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 2003-04-01 23:22


I hope this is the correct forum.

I wanted to submit my gallery to the sample galleries. I did so and recieved a message that said I had 9 submissions before me, and that I would recieve an email with my acceptance or rejection.

This was at least a few weeks ago, and I have not recieved an email since. I do notice that the sample galleries are updated almost daily.

Was there a mix-up. I just want to know what is happening....

The gallery in question is

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><!-- BBCode End -->

If that helps :???:

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2003-05-06 19:42


I recently went through all the submitted user galleries, and updated all the pending ones. I could not see your site on the list, so please re-submit it, and we'll try our best to get it posted in our Sample Galleries section.
