Hello support team.
Here's the error that appears when I try to access my gallery. It happened one to the other day without any changes from my site that I know of. I hope somebody knows what's going on here, help is appreciated 
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 270 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 200 (gallerytemplate::_initcompiledtemplatedir)
* in main.php at line 418 (gallerytemplate::fetch)
* in main.php at line 87
* in main.php at line 80
* in /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-personal/main.php at line 3
I can't access the admin panel either, that's why I can't tell the exact info of my system, nevertheless, I'm running blackjack 2.1 on a linux server if that's of any help.
Thanks in advance
Posts: 6
Did you manage to resolve this issue in the end? Im having the same problem as well and am looking for a resolution so it would be great if you could share what you've found so far.
Posts: 6
Ok i gave up waiting as no one seems to be able to help here. Performed a re-install and unfortunately had to re-upload the photos again. Good thing i only had a small collection but i sympathise with you if you have a large one.
Im just curious how long before it decides to give me the same error again. If it does, im just going to find another gallery.
Posts: 3
I contacted my hosting company and we found out that the problem was a safe mode that they switched on for PHP. After they switched it off for my domain - my gallery started working just great!
Posts: 121
Hey fireton
I'm going to try your solution and hope it'll work for me as well, I just DON'T have the time right now to screw with my gallery install.
cheers, Silverstorm
Posts: 121
To everyone
The suggested Solution won't work here. My webhosting said, the value is already set to "OFF". Any other ideas????
Posts: 88
Yes. Just be more wide eye-opened..
Look any topics next to yours.
I guess, it may be permissions issue as well.
And I didn't changed anything in my site as well.
I've faced the same, and waiting the solution from hosting.
Anyway, G2 code / team is not the guilty persons, I guess..
I hope that will help me, I'm waiting the answer from my hosting.
So the same advice for you. Nothing special.
Posts: 121
Permission of the g2data folder on both multisites is set to 777. So this can't solve it
Posts: 88
On your site or on my?
My hosting support fixed it a few moments ago, and my site are working now, try it: www.fimp.ru
Maybe, they fixed it before your try?
I've got their mail response in 4:33PM (GMT +3 time zone).
But, I can't understand, what does it mean 'GONE' - I hadn't made it read/only, the cause is unknown.. I've asked them, maybne they'll give the reply.
Anyway, G2 code is not guilty in my case.
So I wish you a qucik solution as well. Good luck!
Posts: 121
Heya pulser
I ment my site, but anyway, your's workin now
I also don't get the answer of your hosting, especially /home partition. I also believe that it is a permission issue here, but as I said, the g2data folders are already on chmod 777. I don't know what else I could change or let change.
Probably something in the gallery2 folder itself?
Posts: 121
I still couldn't solve my problem
If any gallery admin has time to give me some hints how I could fix it, I'd appreciate it very much.
Thank you
Posts: 121
Dear support team
I am writing to you now again because I can't get out of this trouble. It's about 3 months since my gallery installation stopped working.
This thread already mentions all that I have tried so far. Now I don't want to wait anymore and want to resolve this issue. I thought about reinstalling the whole gallery, but since I made lots of changes on initial files, templates, etc. and have roughly 10'000 pictures online sorted and named, I'm really afraid I could loose everything...
Question1: Can really nobody help me?
Question2: Should I reinstall the whole gallery? (Upgrade won't work, says there's a problem with the config file)
Please, please please, I've spent months and months to have my gallery installation the way I like it for my website and I really really like to have it working again and I don't want to change to another software
Hopefully somebody will answer me.
THX, Silverstorm
Posts: 32509
i wasn't around much a few months ago. so when i'm not around noone posts the standard replies?
here they come:
1. clear all but the derivative cache
FAQ: How can I clear cached data?
2. if the problem persists, see:
FAQ: I get a ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, what should I do?
3. if the problem persists, see:
FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
Posts: 121
YEAH, somebody answered me, thank you valiant!!
In this step I got following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class on line 160
so I don't know if it makes any sense to continue with your solution hints. I did check that mentioned line 160 and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it says:
$ret = $session->save();
What do you think valiant?
thank you
Posts: 32509
don't access g2 through your embedding application. access it directly.
Posts: 121
I accessed gallery through: http://silverstorm.ch/gallery2/lib/support/index.php
Isn't that direct?? If not, how can I access it directly?
Posts: 32509
i see, my fault. i thought we'd use different code there.
please clear your browser cookie cache. if the problem is still there, just select all but "cached pages" and "derivatives" and clear the remaining caches.
Posts: 121
Oh god, now it kind worked but see the result screen attached:
And after I've done that, my page shows a new error
I don't want to break anything here, so I better wait up your response
Posts: 32509
enable buffered debug mode (see my links above).
your gallery has multiple problems, yay.
Posts: 121
Hey valiant
I did what you asked me to do, to turn on debug mode. I saved the HTML Site and uploaded it on my site:
Please check it out, and hopefully we find a solution there because I don't get a sh... what the debug tells me
Posts: 32509
serious problems...
> mysql error: [1146: Table 'fritzen_silvergallery.g2_FactoryMap' doesn't exist] in
please go to phpmyadmin or whatever your webhost offers you in your admin panel to manage databases.
then try to repair all broken tables.
the table g2_FactoryMap is either broken or missing completely.
if you can't repair it, maybe ask your webhost whether they have a backup and what went wrong there. whether they have disk problems or so.
Posts: 121
Here we go, the anser from my webhosting:
Dear valued customer!
I can see g2publ_FactoryMap table in your database, but not g2_FactoryMap. Please make sure that you have set correct table prefix in your confix.
I checked this as well and he's right... Since I'm running a multisite, I used 2 different table-prefixes (publ / pers), so I have the following tables:
Now that we know that, it doesn't help me a lot because I know that I've used the 2 different table prefixes since I started to run gallery. Probably this further information is of any use for you, valiant???
Hoping for your answer,
cheers, Silverstorm
Posts: 32509
please check your config.php file to ensure the prefix is still g2publ_ (or g2pers_, no idea which is which).
if config.php has the right value, ask your webhost whether there are any file caches or php accelerators than need to be flushed to ensure that the actual config.php is read.
ps: check the right config.php. obviously you have multiple ones.
Posts: 121
Ok, I've checked the config.php files. Here the overview:
I have 3 config.php files (username and password I replaced with "xxx" for the forum)
1.) Main config.php :
$storeConfig['type'] = 'mysql';
$storeConfig['hostname'] = 'mysql.ixwebhosting.com';
$storeConfig['database'] = 'fritzen_silvergallery';
$storeConfig['username'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['password'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['tablePrefix'] = 'g2_';
$storeConfig['columnPrefix'] = 'g_';
$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;
$gallery->setConfig('storage.config', $storeConfig);
2.) Public config.php (This is my public section in the picture gallery, that means 1/2 of the multisites:
$storeConfig['type'] = 'mysql';
$storeConfig['hostname'] = '';
$storeConfig['database'] = 'fritzen_silvergallery';
$storeConfig['username'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['password'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['tablePrefix'] = 'g2publ_';
$storeConfig['columnPrefix'] = 'gpubl_';
$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;
$gallery->setConfig('storage.config', $storeConfig);
3.) Personal config.php (This is my personal section in the picture gallery, that means 2/2 of the multisites:
$storeConfig['type'] = 'mysql';
$storeConfig['hostname'] = '';
$storeConfig['database'] = 'fritzen_silvergallery';
$storeConfig['username'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['password'] = 'xxx';
$storeConfig['tablePrefix'] = 'g2pers_';
$storeConfig['columnPrefix'] = 'gpers_';
$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;
$gallery->setConfig('storage.config', $storeConfig);
Now, could it be that my gallery doesn't work because I don't have any tables with the tablePrefix 'g2_'???
I hope this information leads us a step forward to the solution, hope it helps you...
Posts: 32509
what's your main gallery used for? you don't need to run the installation wizard for the codebase... but that doesn't really matter.
and what's the content of the main.php file in your multisite folders?
Posts: 121
Hey valiant
I don't use my main gallery for anything, just the codebase is there I guess. To show the pictures I have, I just use my 2 multisites:
Anyway I attached you a *.txt with the main.php content of my main gallery, write me if you also need the content of the multisites...
Posts: 32509
i'm interested in the content of the main.php files of the multisites, not in the one of the codebase.
Posts: 121
Ouu, sorry my fault
The content of the main.php of both multisites are identical and show the following:
define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
Any good?
Posts: 32509
well then everything looks fine.
i have no explanation why it would use the wrong database table prefix.
no explanation other than caching outside of gallery. did you ask your webhost about it?
Posts: 121
oh man...
answer from ix-webhosting:
Dear Valued Customer!
Thank you for the word to support.
There is no php caching facilities. Webserver is restarted completely to clean up zend optimizer entries, please check once again. Please let me know should you need further assistance.
so that doesn't look good, when it's not a gallery problem and not a webhosting problem, what else could it be?
well, you localized the problem valiant and said it has to be connected to the table prefix stuff, right? Is there anything else I could do?
Posts: 32509
let's go through it again.
you posted 2 errors:
1. platform error
2. storage error: http://www.silverstorm.ch/error_gallery_debug.htm
you have 3 installations: codebase, pictures-gallery-personal, pictures-gallery-public
1. which of your 3 sites still work?
3. from which site are the above 2 errors?
and please post the complete config.php contents of all 3 sites (but remove the 2 passwords from each first)
Posts: 121
Yes, exactly
None of the sites work anymore.
1.) Error one "platform error", this one occurs wehen I try to access one of the 2 multisites:
- http://www.silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-personal/main.php
- http://www.silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-public/main.php
2.) Storage error appears in the codebase: http://silverstorm.ch/gallery2/main.php which is now set to the "debug mode"
I attached the full config.php files without password renamed to show for which site they are.
Posts: 32509
@storage error:
is the reason for that storage error that you erased the database, dropped the tables? that would explain that one.
let's ignore the codebase.
let's focus on the multisites.
config.php look fine.
1. please enable buffered debug mode for both multisites (edit in the corresponding config.php files).
2. please delete /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-public/g2data/smarty/template_c/
3. please delete /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-personal/g2data/smarty/template_c/
4. check if that helps.
Posts: 121
I don't think so or don't remember
even if it would be the case, I tried to upload a backup of the database and there are also no _g2 tables, just with the prefix. If it's really necessary to have them, can't I just copy for example all _pers tables and rename them to _g2*???
Done, check the attached html sites.
I deleted the content of both sites in .../template_c/
...without success so far
Posts: 32509
so platform errors are gone, good.
hello storage errors:
> mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'g2publ_AccessMap.gpubl_userOrGroupId'
are you sure those multisites have been upgraded correctly?
do you have a backup of a point in time where all this stuff worked?
> I tried to upload a backup of the database and there are also no _g2 tables, just with the prefix.
that's fine. all that stuff about the g2_ tables was lost time because i thought that came from your multisite.
Posts: 121
actually, I can't remember upgrading them at all. The only upgrade I ever did was the one to 2.1 blackjack. But as far as I can remember, I only upgraded the codebase, do I have to update the others individually???
Anyway, Time from the Upgrade to blackjack till the error occured the first time is at least 5 months, so I don't think this can be a reason, can it?
other question: so the database is fine, I don't have to worry about that issue anymore?
Posts: 32509
you always have to upgrade each multisite one by one.
Posts: 121
Ok, I gonna try those upgrades how it's written in the FAQ
... and then I'm gonna post how it worked and if it solved the problem.
Posts: 9
I am on ixwebhosting and now also have this problem...
I have 15 individual galleries. (No multisite) same error on all sites. All are latest 2.1.2 galleries. Only one was converted from 1.4, all of the others are fresh installs that started with 2.1 and are up to 2.1.2 now.
It is clearly a hosting issue. I've had limited success with their live-chat. Seems if I complain enough, they eventually find their error and it miraculously fixes itself... I'll try what was stated here first...
Posts: 32509
please create a separate, new forum topic for your issue.
and please follow up on:
FAQ: I get a ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, what should I do?
Posts: 9
OK - only posted in here since Silverstorm and I both have ixwebhosting and are having same problem.
Posts: 32509
missed that you have this in common. thanks for the information.
Posts: 9
Here's the ticket I put in at ix:
I tried the fix in the FAQ and it failed BTW. I did chmod my storage directory on a small gallery that didn't have alot of folders, but I still got the same error.
I'll post up what ix comes back with.
Posts: 121
Ou nice, I'm not alone here
Update from my progress: After valiant told me to upgrade my multisites, I read the FAQ and tried to do what was written there. When I tried to upgrade, it told me a permission error, that the g2data folder is not on 777, so what did I do, of course I cross checked it and the folder was on 777 (in webshell & FTP Program).... nevertheless, I contacted the IX-Wobhosting team and told them to chmod all the g2data folders to 777.
After that, something was going on, but not a good thing... I have on the codebase, personal gallery and the public gallery all different errors.
I start to post the problems here:
CODEBASE (http://www.silverstorm.ch/gallery2/upgrade) Step 1 in the upgrade process
Missing or invalid config.php
You tried to run the upgrade process but a valid config.php is missing.
* If you've lost your config.php file when replacing the Gallery 2 files in the preparation for this upgrade, please restore it and try again.
* If you actually want to run the Gallery 2 installer, please follow the link below.
* If you want to upgrade from Gallery 1, you first need to install Gallery 2 and then use the import module to import your data from Gallery 1. Please follow the link below to install Gallery 2.
PERSONAL-GALLERY (http://silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-personal/upgrade) Step 4 in the upgrade process
Upgrade Other Modules
The following modules can be automatically upgraded for you. If you choose not to upgrade them now, you may experience problems with your Gallery. You can always upgrade or deactivate them on the Site Administration page, or return to this page later so any decision you make here is not permanent.
Missing Code
The code for some plugins that were previously active can no longer be found. You must restore code for these plugins before this upgrade can continue. Code for the plugins must be the same version or newer than what was installed before.
Theme: Silverstorm_v1
PUBLIC-GALLERY (http://silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-public/upgrade) Step 4 in the upgrade process
Storage Directory Permissions
Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-public/g2data/ OR run chmod -R 777 /hsphere/local/home/fritzenw/silverstorm.ch/pictures-gallery-public/g2data/.
So as you see, a huge mess here. It not longer "only" seems a problem of ix-webhosting
Posts: 9
Before I make any changes to what I have, I want ix to change something at their end. If their house (ix) isn't in order, it doesn't appear that making changes would be advisable.
All of my galleries are individual and were working. Only one is large (about 20k images and two are midrange 5k images - the rest are small)
Posts: 32509
forget about your codebase. as you said, you don't use it. it's just the codebase. no need to install or upgrade this gallery. just keep the code up to date such that the multisites can use it.
> heme: Silverstorm_v1
where did it go? please ensure that your theme is in the themes/ folder of the codebase and that the theme is compatible with the theme api (modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class) and the core api (GalleryCoreApi.class).
> Storage Directory Permissions
Posts: 121
Here we go:
Theme: Silverstorm_v1 was really missing, cause I'm using v2 right now, don't know why it wanted v1 now. Anyway, the codebase and both multisites are on blackjack 2.1 (acutally didn't change anything and already had updated it in the past)
So the problems remain, and unfortunately still nothing works... the fact that cebby has the same problem and I initially told that I also didn't make any changes at the gallery at all calms me down a bit
I'm gonna wait also for the answer of cebbys trouble ticket now.
@ Valiant, do you think I can switch the debug mode off now or should I wait so far?
Posts: 9
Silverstorm - my trouble ticket has sat at ixwebhosting for over 21 hours now without a response. So much for 1 hour response "guaranteed". It is definitely a problem on IX's end - look how many sites I have that were functioning just fine... Might be time for a phone call so I can yell at someone over there. Won't solve anything, but I'll sure feel better.
Posts: 9
Mine is fixed now. I don't know what they did though. I'm trying to find out what exactly they did so we can spare others the misery.
Posts: 121
Nothing changed at my end, still the same crap
Posts: 32509
> Theme: Silverstorm_v1 was really missing, cause I'm using v2 right now, don't know why it wanted v1 now.
because you installed v1 at some point and never uninstalled it. you need to give it a working version of v1.