Commandline dump of Gallery 2.x


Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-06 18:57


I need to extract all my high resolution images from a specific album on a Gallery 2.x installation.

I only have HTTP access to the host, and before I code something up I was wondering if is there a command line tool already that will allow me to dump all the images from there?

Thanks in advance

-- pytey.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-23 07:54

a command line tool that runs on client X that fetches all images from server Y?
if you have FTP access, just fetch the g2data/albums/.../albumname/ folder.
if not, I hope you have a good reason for what you do since you better download the hires versions with the consent of the owner of the installation.

anyway, if the g2 installation has the cart and the zip download module enabled, just add the album to the cart with 1 click, and download the whole thing as zip with another click.


Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-23 08:25

Didn't you read what I said in the original post? :-

I need to extract all *MY* high resolution images from a specific album on a Gallery 2.x installation.
*I ONLY HAVE HTTP* access to the host.
Obviously the host doesn't have zip download module enabled or I would have used it.

I've written some ruby to do it now anyhow.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-23 19:32

- no point in PMing me the same answer as well. i get already enough notifications. thanks.
- you didn't describe the complete problem. the options i mentioned are ment to be for HTTP. e.g. that zip download isn't available. so it's not "obvious".
- you can use wget. i suggest you enable the URL rewrite module in the G2 admin section and then use wget to mirror the G2 album.


Joined: 2006-11-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2006-12-20 16:54
wdekreij wrote:
valiant wrote:
- no point in PMing me the same answer as well. i get already enough notifications. thanks.
- you didn't describe the complete problem. the options i mentioned are ment to be for HTTP. e.g. that zip download isn't available. so it's not "obvious".
- you can use wget. i suggest you enable the URL rewrite module in the G2 admin section and then use wget to mirror the G2 album.

LOL, yeah I can imagine that you have enough "fanmail" ^_^

hehehe true ^^

mapa warszawa