Filemaker DB into Gallery


Joined: 2006-06-29
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-06 16:28

I was wondering what the best way to import a Filemaker DB into Gallery.
(I have searched this forum and I have not found much);

Is this something that is done?




Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2006-07-07 02:30

Some people wrote their own migration scripts to port their own applications based on various databases like MS Access to G2.
If you have any programming language, e.g. PHP, with drivers for both, FileMaker and MySQL, you can write a script that reads from your database and uses the G2 API (GalleryCoreApi) to add the items / albums / ... to G2.
Else you'll first have to dump your FileMaker database to a tab delimited textfile and then use PHP to read from the file.

See the coppermine -> G2 import module for some directions.