The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.5.3
System Info -
******Adding 26.jpg*****
Album.php::1161 -> Doing the naming
Album.php::1194 -> Image Preprocessing
Album.php::1199 -> Resizing/compressing original image
imageManipulation.php::36 -> Resizing Image: /www/04/
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
imageManipulation.php::67 -> No resizing required
imageManipulation.php::573 -> File /www/04/ type 2.
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
AlbumItem.php::619 -> Generating thumbnail.
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
imageManipulation.php::538 -> Generating squared Version to 150px
imageManipulation.php::474 -> Cropping Image
util.php::156 -> Executing: '/usr/local/safe/convert' '/www/04/' -crop 219x219+0+161 +repage '/www/04/'
Debug messages:
Status: 127 (expected 0)Source
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
util.php::211 -> The file does not exist ?!
imageManipulation.php::36 -> Resizing Image: /www/04/
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: /www/04/
imageManipulation.php::683 -> Compressing image: /www/04/
util.php::156 -> Executing: '/usr/local/safe/convert' -size 150x150 '/www/04/' -quality 50 -thumbnail 150x150 '/www/04/'
Debug messages:
Status: 127 (expected 0)
Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)
Need help? Look in the Gallery FAQ
What to me to do?