I was wondering if there's a way to add music to the slideshow... I attempted to add music using the standard embed and bgsound src tags and also one using a java script but neither one will work...
I edited the slideshow.header as well as slideshow.php w/o success...
Was wondering if anyone else knows how to get it to work... And, if someone knows how to get it to work, is there a way to make it so that people can choose from several different midis?
Posts: 107
Duh, nevermind... I had a typo in my html... Edited the slideshow.header file...
This works (used this in an attempt to be cross-browser compatable):
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write('<embed src="http://www.url.com/~url/gallery/music/forrestgump.mid" autostart="false" loop="true" controls="LargeConsole" width=145 height=60></embed>');}
else if(navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
document.write('<embed src="http://www.url.com/~url/gallery/music/forrestgump.mid" autostart="false" loop="true" width=285 height=45></embed>');}
document.write('<embed src="http://www.url.com/~url/gallery/music/forrestgump.mid" autostart="false" loop="true"></embed>');}
<noscript><embed src="http://www.url.com/~url/gallery/music/forrestgump.mid" autostart="false" loop="true"></embed></noscript>
<noembed><bgsound src="http://www.url.com/~url/gallery/music/forrestgump.mid" loop=true></noembed>
Also, just a plain link to the music file works too... Am looking for a drop down list so people could choose their music... I guess a bunch of links in the slideshow.header would work too...
Just trying to make viewing of the slideshow a more interesting experience... :smile: :roll:
Posts: 107
And, for anyone that might be interested, I found this drop down menu program...
First edit your slideshow.php and slideshow_low.php files and add this just above the </head> tag:
<!-- Original: Alex Tu <boudha1@hotmail.com> -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/4368 -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->
<!-- Begin
function formHandler(){
var URL = document.form.site.options[document.form.site.selectedIndex].value;
window.location.href = URL;
// End -->
Then, in your slideshow.header file add this:
<form name="form">
<select name="site" ><font face="arial" size=2>
<option value="">*** Listen to some music while viewing the slideshow! ***
<option value="music/forrestgump.mid" >Feather from the movie Forrest Gump
<option value="music/sunshine.mid" >Sunshine
<option value="music/1999.mid" >1999 by Prince
<option value="music/AllByMyself.mid" >All By Myself
<option value="music/again.mid" >Again
<option value="music/america_the_beautiful.mid" >America The Beautiful
<option value="music/autumnleaves.mid" >Autumn Leaves
<input type=button value="Go!" onClick="javascript:formHandler()">
Of course, you must upload the music files into a folder called music (or where ever you decide to put the music)...
Perhaps someone has an easier way? Don't know, but I'm just tickled this works...
Posts: 1301
As someone who truly HATES music on websites I just want to say be sure you have an option to turn the music off! People do appreciate being given the choice.
Posts: 107
Yup, I'm aware of that as well and I'm not partial to music on websites that start automatically... With this set-up it's just links to the music so you click on them to start them, once the music is done it's done until you click on another song...
I just thought it would be a neat idea for the slideshow, I didn't use it for any other page...
Another reason why I didn't want the music to start up right away is because even if you don't have the song set to play right away it still has to be loaded up into the browser which would increase the length of time it takes for the images to show up... In this way, the images already load up before you click on the song link...
PS, in case anyone wants to check this out, here's the link for the gallery it's on:
<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.fractalfairy.com/~feusermember/gallery/" TARGET="_blank">http://www.fractalfairy.com/~feusermember/gallery/</A><!-- BBCode End -->
Just go into one of the albums and on into the slideshow...
Posts: 3473
You need to detect browser, and then change this text if it's netscape (or at least mozilla)
*** Listen to some music or view the slideshow!
ie. doesn't work with Moz, you get a new page with a quick time player and nothing else.
Posts: 1301
Hi Babs
I just tried with IE6 - I have a highspeed cable connection, and use Real One player. By the time the music started, the slideshow was over -- just thought I'd let you know!
Posts: 107
SIGH.... Yes, these galleries are tiny and they are my "test galleries" for new stuff, our group galleries have several hundred images in each album and I just thought having a choice of songs would be nice... Apparently I'm the only one who thinks so...
Posts: 3473
Well, if someone wants the music of their choice with the slideshow, they've already got a CD on. But if you have something that you think really belongs with the slideshow, you should offer that music, so they get the atmosphere you want.
I don't see the sense in offering 1/2 dozen random tunes.
Posts: 11
I realize that I am posting to somewhat aged posts, but I am curious if you were able to put different music to different slideshows?
I have a client photographer who wants different music to each slideshow. This is to set the mood for viewing.
However, if I embed in the slideshow.header file, wouldn't that make it the same song or songs for all slideshows?
Thank you for your help.
Heidi Hafner
Posts: 1
Where is the Slideshow.header file?
Posts: 1301
In the html_wrap directory.
Posts: 11
i've been trying to implement this feature on my Gallery2 on Linux and i cannot find none of the source files cited on this forum thread. Can't find slideshow.header, can't find html_wrap directory, can't find slideshow.php and can't find slideshow_low.php. Where are these files?
Not even the "locate <file>" command can't find these files.